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Preliminary Analysis of Survey IV Data For PENT Research Meeting May 25, 2006 by Bruce Gale, PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "Preliminary Analysis of Survey IV Data For PENT Research Meeting May 25, 2006 by Bruce Gale, PhD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preliminary Analysis of Survey IV Data For PENT Research Meeting May 25, 2006 by Bruce Gale, PhD


3 "Other" responses: ghost Resource Specialist Supervise services provided by BICM Department Chair Resource specialist case carrier Special Day Inclusion Teacher classroom support I am an Autism consultant to the teacher Inclusion specialist Resource Specialist Autism Consultant Resource Specialist One on one Paraprofessional Resource Specialist County Office Principal Educational Specialist (Behavior) ISGI I am the specila education consultant case manager


















21 "Other" responses: Bus Driver many promts report card general education and SDC teacher Student comments guardian placement changed to H&H due to anxiety behavioral outbursts ceased, no discipli referrals to office, more work done conversations with other staff members student was moved to ED School


23 "Other" responses: change in medication dosage success did not occur per student. para support Student's successes vary by environment medication (zoloft) / behavior change Home environment medication BIS implemented plan behavior change in all, student, staff, cooperate effort with student and staff both parents attending meeting with tchr consistency Kimi wanted to play on the computer it was not successful all of the above Consistency I am the only 1 working with The plan fits well with class/environmen medication I do not feel the plan was very successf I ED staff feel therapeutic environ. works


25 staff training, consistency parental involvment in education process support of Instructional Aide consistent review of progress lack of success was with the student meeting very often to review Placement change at the same time as BIP student's placement was changed


27 "Other" responses: developed before this placement Was not a part of initial plan don'

28 23) What was the rationale for not conducting a functional assessment of behavior prior to developing the behavior plan? didnt feel like it No need for functional assessment, behavior was easily identified from observation alone I think because some surveys had been completed the year prior. Behavior not that sever.


30 "Other" responses: not sure I don't know substantial amount of data, observations Don't know Not sure, I only saw plan, not process Indirect with some data collection don't know


32 "Other" responses: possibly psy. report was used not sure review data on daily point sheets Don't know Teacher/psych consultations



35 This is a pivot chart from Excel. Read the question at top, then on right. Chances of a moderate to large improvement markedly increase when the psychologist attends the IEP.

36 That’s all for now!

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