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CCPS Membership Meeting Dundee, 12 June 2008. CCPS strategic priorities: update for members CCPS membership meeting, June 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "CCPS Membership Meeting Dundee, 12 June 2008. CCPS strategic priorities: update for members CCPS membership meeting, June 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCPS Membership Meeting Dundee, 12 June 2008

2 CCPS strategic priorities: update for members CCPS membership meeting, June 2008

3 Themes The new policy, planning and funding environment for public services Commissioning and procurement Service quality and development

4 New environment: concordat Support members to negotiate the new ‘localism’ Single Outcome Agreements: analysis Community Planning Partnerships: mapping SCVO/COSLA Task Group on local government relations with Third Sector SCVO/STUC Partnership Forum: promoting our joint statement on fairer funding

5 New environment: concordat Monitoring impact Funding survey 2008 Further survey (Aug/Sep) to look at post- concordat funding issues

6 New environment: concordat Supporting members to manage and thrive in new environment Consortium/collaborative responses to tenders Demonstrating outcomes

7 Commissioning and procurement Highlighting, improving and challenging Mapping the ‘mayhem’ Critical review of recent tender exercises (with specialist workforce focus) DVD project with service users and families Procurement Advice Note emphasising flexibilities available to LAs Promotion of our statement to councils

8 Commissioning and procurement Intelligent commissioning CCPS working group on commissioning Alternatives to wholesale re-tendering Collaboration with SWIA on self-assessment tool for LAs Changing Lives paper on commissioning for personalisation COSLA working group on commissioning

9 Quality and service development Personalisation Membership meeting events Collaboration with ADSW on seminar (?) Implications for providers of specific approaches (In Control, Direct Payments, etc) Statement of values Programme of events

10 CCPS CONFERENCE 2008 New environment: John Swinney MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Finance Commissioning: Nigel Walker, Senior Commissioning Adviser, DoH Personalisation: Julia Unwin, Chief Executive, Joseph Rowntree Foundation DUNBLANE, 27-28 NOVEMBER 2008

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