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Major Gifts: Stories & Strategies April 16, 2013 Linda McNay, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Major Gifts: Stories & Strategies April 16, 2013 Linda McNay, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Major Gifts: Stories & Strategies April 16, 2013 Linda McNay, Ph.D.

2 Please take a card!

3 E. Delony Sledge H. Jackson Brown Jr. Rosie O'Donnell.

4 Today’s Agenda 3 stories 3 keys to fundraising success Write your own story.

5 E. Delony Sledge


7 Cultivation.

8 E. Delony Sledge $0-$100,000!

9 E. Delony Sledge Planned Gift?

10 H. Jackson Brown Jr.

11 $25 to a telefund student.

12 H. Jackson Brown Jr. February 8, 1994 -Telephone call -Follow up note.

13 H. Jackson Brown Jr. February 15, 1994 -The visit.

14 H. Jackson Brown Jr. February 16, 1994 -Call report -Follow up.

15 H. Jackson Brown Jr. March 15, 1994 -Letter from the provost.

16 H. Jackson Brown Jr. September 1, 1994 - The alumni solicitation.

17 Results? Best direct mail solicitation ever!

18 H. Jackson Brown Jr. September 19, 1994 -A special response!

19 H. Jackson Brown Jr. Alumni Magazine

20 H. Jackson Brown Jr. October, 1994 -A lumni solicitation #2.

21 H. Jackson Brown Jr. November 28, 1994 -Cultivation call.

22 H. Jackson Brown Jr. December 29, 1994.

23 H. Jackson Brown Jr. January 6, 1995.

24 H. Jackson Brown Jr. March, 1995 -Call report.

25 H. Jackson Brown Jr.

26 Rosie O’Donnell

27 The Sheltering Arms Mission To serve working families with high quality, affordable child care and education and comprehensive support services, as well as to provide professional development for early childhood educators an community outreach.

28 Rosie O’Donnell

29 Surprise!



32 For All Kids Foundation “Every child is a gift, strengthening our community, our humanity, and our hope for the future."


34 $100,000 Request for a new facility Results?

35 White Rose Gala

36 Types of Gifts Annual Major Capital Endowment Planned.

37 What is your definition of a major gift?

38 Who is a Major Gift Prospect? Connection Good relationship Ability to give Past giving history Desire for recognition.

39 Gift Grid IdentificationInvolvementSolicitation method Solicitation relationship Solicitation frequency Driven BySource Small gift in-house purchase list minimalmail phone event front desk impersonalyearly or more institutioncurrent income Major gift past donors suspects established relationships face-to-facepeer president executive director officer board member volunteer every 3-5 years donorincome/ assets Mega gift past donors life event inheritance sale of stock personal relationship strong feelings specific interest personal, evolves over time stewardship issue upfront one who donor trusts, admires, believes in once or more donor desire for change “pay-back” recognition assets/ estate.

40 The Major Gift “ASK” Face-to-face Right timing Right person Right amount ASK Listen Anticipate objections Provide follow-up.

41 Everyone is a prospect Anyone can solicit a major gift Anyone can close a major gift.

42 It’s the little things that mean the most…

43 Dream big Think outside the box Take a risk.

44 Define your mission Do your research Engage volunteers, staff and others within the community Match institutional needs with donors interests.

45 Be creative Be memorable Be consistent Practice good stewardship Retain your sense of humor Share the good news.

46 Integrating With the Rest of the Development Office Management and accountability of staff –Define in writing yearly expectations and quantifiable goals jointly decided between supervisor and professional Dollar benchmark goals –Qualification calls –Cultivation calls –Solicitations –Stewardship calls # contacts # prospects.

47 Evaluating Your Major Gift Program How did we do in comparison to our written major giving plan? Number of proposals? Dollars raised? Are major giving initiatives consistent with the strategic plan? Was each major gift prospect “developed” successfully according to their level of awareness, understanding, involvement and commitment? Is the staffing and budget sufficient to support gift potential?

48 Lessons Learned Define what a major gift is for YOUR organization Identify and assign prospects Personal cultivation and solicitation Measure results Repeat.

49 Questions?

50 Thank You.

51 Write your own story.

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