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Lecture 3 Actin and myosin in non-muscle cells; Cell motility Outline:

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1 Lecture 3 Actin and myosin in non-muscle cells; Cell motility Outline:
Actin polymerization in vitro Regulation of actin dynamics in cells Actin organization Cell motility Paper: Self-polarization and directional motility of the cytoplasm

2 Actin highly conserved 375 aa, 43 kD protein
the most abundant protein in non-muscle cells  1-5% roles: cell shape, polarization, locomotion, division; vesicle traffic monomer = G-actin polymer = F-actin, microfilaments inhibitors: latrunculin, cytochalasin; phalloidin

3 platelet dynamics resting activated retraction
Dramatic morphological changes result from reorganization of actin cross-linked to plasma membrane


5 Actin Structure pointed two-stranded helix barbed

6 Actin highly conserved, binding proteins are not

7 Actin polymerization dynamics in vitro
Assays to measure: 1) viscometry 2) sedimentation 3) fluorescence spectroscopy- pyrene actin assembly assay

8 Pyrene actin assembly assay
couple to C-374 of actin *[free actin] =Cc= 0.1 mM elongation *steady state nucleation fluorescence polymer time Mg++, KCl

9 - + steady state - treadmilling of subunits D D D T D D T T D T D
D-Pi T D D D-Pi T T D T D Cc(- end) = 0.8 mM > Cc(+ end) = 0.1 mM filament turnover rate: t1/2 = 30 min rate limiting step = dissociation of ADP actin from minus end

10 Actin dynamics in vivo Parameters: Model systems:
1. Spatial and temporal control of polymerization/depolymerization 2. Turnover 3. Movement of actin filaments - myosins Model systems: 1. Fibroblast 2. Keratocyte - epithelial cell 3. Listeria monocytogenes - intracellular bacterial pathogen

11 Listeria monocytogenes

12 Spatial Control microinject fluorescently-labeled actin
t= 1 min t= 5 min polymerization occurs at leading edge of keratocyte, rear surface of Listeria

13 Filament Turnover microinject “caged” fluorescently-labeled actin
illuminate in specific location with UV light to release caging group resorufin caging group resorufin

14 Measure rate of fluorescence decay = actin turnover rate t1/2 = 30 sec
actin stays in same place as cell moves forward t = 30 sec t = 1 min Measure rate of fluorescence decay = actin turnover rate t1/2 = 30 sec

15 in vitro in vivo t1/2 = 30 min Actin Cc = 0.1 mM [Actin]= 500 mM
Actin dynamics in vivo are controlled by actin binding proteins

16 - + 3 3. elongation 4 4. depolymerization D D D T D D D T 2
D-Pi T D D D D-Pi T 2 2. nucleation D T 1 1. monomer pool

17 Regulation of the monomer pool
Thymosin b4 M.W. 5000 binds 1:1 - enough to buffer all the actin sequesters actin from polymerizing localization - diffuse Profilin M.W. 14,000 binds 1:1 - can buffer 20% of actin promotes nucleototide exchange and polymerization binds PIP2 and proline-rich sequences localization - diffuse and leading edge, Listeria surface



20 Nucleation Arp2/3 complex
7 subunits, include actin-related proteins 2 and 3 promotes actin polymerization at listeria surface accelerates actin polymerization in pyrene actin assembly assay (with activator, eliminates lag phase) binds (-) ends and filament sides - branching function localization - lamellipodia Activators: Listeria: Act A cells: WASP family proteins


22 immuno- EM of Arp2/3 at actin branch points in leading edge

23 Elongation Profilin Capping factors: promotes (+) end growth
CapZ (Capping protein) - (+) end tropomodulin - (-) end gelsolin - (+) end can stabilize or destabilize filaments, prevent elongation

24 Depolymerization gelsolin ADF/cofilin M.W. 87,000
Ca++-dependent severing ADF/cofilin M.W. 19,000 binds G- and F-actin accelerates (-) end depolymerization 25-fold + ADF

25 what controls depolymerization in Listeria tails?
Question: what controls depolymerization in Listeria tails? Listeria + cytoplasmic egg extract  motility in vitro immunodeplete gelsolin or ADF/cofilin and observe effects control gelsolin ADF/Cofilin Rosenblatt et al., 1997

26 Important Breakthrough: Reconstitution of Listeria motility from
purified components required: Actin and ATP Arp2/3 complex ADF/cofilin Capping protein stimulators: VASP -binds ActA, actin, profilin Profilin a-actinin

27 - + depolymerization: end availability: ADF/cofilin CapZ, gelsolin D T
D-Pi T + monomer regulation: thymosin b4, profilin nucleation: Arp2/3 complex

28 Organization of actin filaments
Myosins Cross-linking proteins Membrane attachments Assemblies: cell cortex, stress fibers, contractile ring, cell protrusions, microvilli

29 stationary cell - stress fibers


31 Dividing cell

32 Dictyostelium amoeba

33 locomoting cell - filopodia and lamellipodia


35 Cell Motility Swimming Crawling purposes:
Microtubule-based – cilia, flagella Crawling Actin-based purposes: 1) wound healing - epidermal cells 2) immune response - leukocytes –migrate to sites of infection 3) development – neural crest cells; neuronal process extension 4) cancer cell metastasis –malignancy determinant

36 4 processes coordinated:
protrusion anchorage forward movement tail retraction

37 protrusion Proposed mechanisms:
Actin polymerization at leading edge - local force Proposed mechanisms: 1) “thermal rachet” - actin polymerization pushes 2) myosin I - movement of actin filaments

38 1) thermal rachet - membrane fluctuations
2) myosin I - dependent myosin I could also transport assembly factors to membrane


40 anchorage Adhesion plaques: connect cell to substratum
prevent leading lamella from retracting

41 forward movement Proposed mechanisms: Observations:
Actin networks stationary with respect to substratum Cell body and nucleus rotates myosin II required Proposed mechanisms: 1) sarcomere-like contractions in rear 2) transport along actin arrays

42 crawling Dictyostelium amoeba

43 tail retraction passive - cell snaps loose from adhesion plaques

44 How is cell polarity established?
cell loaded with Ca++ -sensitive dye Fura-2

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