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Lancôme PARIS.

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1 Lancôme PARIS

2 History of Lancôme Lancôme has been making women beautiful for over 60 years Founded by the French perfumer, Armand Petitjean in February 21,1935 He launched five fragrances, and presented them to the world at the Universal Exhibition in Brussels. In 1941 Petitjean extended beyond the line of perfume to offer a complete range of products, including makeup and skincare.

3 Lancôme Petitjean was convinced that word of mouth communication was the surest way to build a reputation. Lancôme later evolved a training center, where technical representatives were trained to promote Lancôme far and wide. In 1950 Lancôme came to the United States, answering a growing need for quality products.

4 Lancôme Lancôme is sold in over 160 countries & on every continent
All of Lancôme's products are made in the USA. Lancôme does not outsource their factories to third world countries. Lancôme products have never been tested on animals and never will be. Before a new product is launched, it is tested on a panel of volunteers for safety and effectiveness.

5 Lancôme All products are dermatologist and safety-tested to be gentle and effective. Products for the eyes are ophthalmologist-tested. Lancôme uses the highest grade of raw materials to ensure the best results.

6 Lancôme PARIS

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