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Creating a Security Team

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2 Creating a Security Team
Leadership Institute 2015 – The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection

3 Why 1/1/1999 – 4/1/ Deadly Force incidents in Houses of Worship 549 total deaths May 31, 2009 Scott Roeder murders Usher George Tiller in Wichita, Ks Awareness and Education of Parish committee, clergy, staff and congregation


5 Mission Statement To provide a safe and secure environment for all who worship, visit and work here. To be unobtrusive, promoting an atmosphere conducive to a fulfilling and health worship experience. To be facilitator’s of God’s vision and purpose for the Church of the Resurrection.

6 Function To protect the Children
To provide security for the Congregation To provide security for the Pastor & Staff To provide security for church assets Pastor’s Body guard? Safe Gatherings. Resistance to Change. Distrust of volunteers.

7 Boundary Agreements Identifying Monitoring Enforcement

8 E mergency Preparedness F acility Safety and Security F inancial Safeguards E mployee and Volunteer Safety C hildren and youth Protction T ransportation Safety Risk management prioritazation

9 Rules of engagement Willingness to have weapons in the church
Chemical spray Cap-stun / Mace Tasers Hand guns Law of the Land use by volunteers

10 For action taken or inaction
Liability Criminal Civil Morally For action taken or inaction Wrongful death or injury? false cameras? Moral responsablilty to protect those who cannot protect themselves?

11 Put it in writing Emergency Plans Standard Operating Procedures
Incident Reports Retention, Review and Revision Lost child, immediate assistance, Intruder, Accident/illness, fire, emergency shelter, Bomb Threat, mail handling

12 Team Members Team makeup Staff member and Laity Volunteers
All Laity Volunteers Security Guards Off-duty Law Enforcement Different paradiems

13 Recruitment Group Invitation Word of Mouth
Publicized request for volunteers Breakfast / lunch vouch by existing member Evolved task oriented vs Ministry to team members

14 Law Enforcement Pros: Training State certification Experience
Knowledge of offenders LIABILITY

15 Cons: Mindset : Enforcement attitude Unwilling to be directed
History with congregants WORSHIP ENVIRONMENT

16 Security guards Armed or not armed Observe and report Decision making
Training Cost effectiveness…..Liability…………Ultimately Responsible because you hired them

17 Concealed Carry State law Training Liability


19 Background checks National Sex Offender Public Registry
National Criminal Record Checks First Advantage (Lexis Nexis) Credit Driving Record Verification of Social Security number

20 Tools Surveillance Cameras Radios Flash lights AED First aid kits
Panic Buttons ID/Access Cards Cameras if monitored…storage of data for historical review

21 Visibility Uniform Blazer/shirts Name badges Lapel pins
Covert………………………..Overt…………………special events or worship services

22 Training Law enforcement agencies Doctors / Psychologists Military
Other team members Red Cross - CPR / AED Basic First Aid Cert (Community Emergency Response Teams) Paid “Church Security Experts”

23 Duties Background checks Offering security
Mission trip threat assessment Personal Safety Protect Church property Medical First Responder

24 Liaison THE “GO TO” PEOPLE Other Internal Ministries Other Churches
Missions Ushers Children / Youth Parking / Greeters Other Churches Network - Share lessons learned



27 DVD’S Center for Personal Protection and Safety DVD’s
Safe Travel – Travel safety abroad Flashpoint – Workplace violence Silent Storm – Intimate partner violence Shots Fired – Active Shooters

28 Books Church Safety and Security – A practical guide
By: Robert M. Cirtin The Missing Ministry – Safety, Risk Management and Protecting your church By: The Guide One Center for Risk Management

29 Web Sites

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