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June 29th 2005Ph. BUSSON LLR Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau1 Plans for a new TCC for the endcaps Characteristics: reminder Preliminary list of tasks and.

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Presentation on theme: "June 29th 2005Ph. BUSSON LLR Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau1 Plans for a new TCC for the endcaps Characteristics: reminder Preliminary list of tasks and."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 29th 2005Ph. BUSSON LLR Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau1 Plans for a new TCC for the endcaps Characteristics: reminder Preliminary list of tasks and milestones

2 June 29th 2005Ph. BUSSON LLR Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau2 Characteristics: reminder (1) 2 TCCs per 20 degree sector 4 TCCs are connected to 1 Clock and Control System (CCS) board and 1 Data Crate Concentrator (DCC) (2 sectors coverage) VME 64XP, 9U, 20.2 mm width Functions: –Completes Trigger Primitives (TP) computations (ET: total tranvserse energy per trigger tower, FGVB: fine grain veto bit) –Encodes ET using a non linear scale (10 bits ---> 8 bits) –Computes Trigger Tower Flags (TTF, 3 bits) for Selective Readout Processor (SRP) –Stores TP, TTF during L1 accept latency

3 June 29th 2005Ph. BUSSON LLR Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau3 Characteristics: reminder (2) Receives 4 x 12 optical signals @ 800 Mbits/s (10 bits ET + 1 bit FGVB per pseudo-strip) Sends 16(outer part) or 32(inner part) Trigger Primitives to the Regional Calorimeter Trigger via 2 or 4 Synchro and Link Boards (SLBs) @ 40 MHz, signals are grouped by 8 Sends 16 or 32 Trigger Towers Flags (TTF) to the Selective Readout Processor via 1 serial optical link @ 1600 Mbits/s, L1 accept rate, data format independant of inner/outer: 22 16-bit words Sends 16 or 32 (TP + TTF) to the Data Concentrator Card via LVDS @ 720 Mbits/s, L1 accept rate, data format independant of inner/outer: 37 16-bit words

4 June 29th 2005Ph. BUSSON LLR Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau4 How to build trigger towers in EE (old geometry, new style mapping) Trigger meeting 11/06/2002

5 June 29th 2005Ph. BUSSON LLR Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau5 Inputs for TCC Endcap: rule One trunk cable per 20-degree sector ie 8 ribbons of 12 fibers 4 ribbons per TCCEndcap (1 to 4) Order is exclusively driven by outputs, ie 2 signals of TT of type A are sent to the RT (via SLBs) on a single electrical differential pair, 2 signals of TT type B … for each 20-degree sector Trigger Towers we define eta-phi indexes: ieta (1 to 11, from outer towards inner), jphi (1 to 4) Ideal inputs order: ribbon 1 with [pseudo-strips for TT ieta = 1, jphi = 1 to 4]; [ieta = 2, jphi = 1 to 4]; etc … ie we follow the «color lines» (blue&red or yellow&green). The pseudo-strips inputs of one TT can be arranged in any order The PCB of the TCCendcap will be unique ---> exchange of signals between « processors » (the number of processors is not yet known 2,3 or 4) Remark: ribbon order (from top to bottom, or from bottom to top in the front panel) has to be defined within OD team

6 June 29th 2005Ph. BUSSON LLR Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau6 Task 0 Milestone: setup the TCC48 team by end 09/2005, list of tasks –mechanics, –schematic, –layout, –firmware development, –tests prototype, –reception tests, –software for test bench (XDAQ, HAL) –software online: hardware configuration, monitoring & data quality check (XDAQ, HAL) –software offline: data quality check in reconstruction prog (ORCA) –data base: ConstructionDB, ConfigurationDB, ConditionDB –integration in Off Detector crate at CERN (XDAQ, HAL)

7 June 29th 2005Ph. BUSSON LLR Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau7 Task 1: prototype From 03/10/2005 to 30/06/2006 –Milestone: finalize list of signals shared between FPGAs 03/11/2005 (ECAL week), 3 cases: 2,3 or 4 FPGAs –Milestone: check that Virtex 4 FX (from Xilinx) - GOH connection is OK (latency budget) 30/10/2005 –Milestone: check that all inputs/outputs, SLBs fit in 20.2 mm width is OK 30/10/2005 –Milestone: board ready for tests 30/04/2006 ---> –Milestone: board ready for production 28/02/2006 –Milestone: completion of modifications for final version 30/06/2006

8 June 29th 2005Ph. BUSSON LLR Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau8 Task 2 : preproduction, production and reception of final version From 05/06/2006 to 29/09/2007 –Milestone: start production 31/03/2007 –Milestone: start reception 30/05/2007 –Milestone: start integration of first board in Off Detector Crate 29/06/2007 –Milestone: end integration 29/09/2007

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