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1 / 13 Current activities at ICM-SMOS-BEC J. Gourrion, C. Gabarró, R. Sabia, M. Talone, V. González, S. Montero, S. Guimbard, F. Pérez, J. Martínez, M.

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Presentation on theme: "1 / 13 Current activities at ICM-SMOS-BEC J. Gourrion, C. Gabarró, R. Sabia, M. Talone, V. González, S. Montero, S. Guimbard, F. Pérez, J. Martínez, M."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 / 13 Current activities at ICM-SMOS-BEC J. Gourrion, C. Gabarró, R. Sabia, M. Talone, V. González, S. Montero, S. Guimbard, F. Pérez, J. Martínez, M. Portabella, J. Ballabrera, A. Turiel, A. Monerris and J. Font SMOS Barcelona Expert Centre (SMOS-BEC) Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC), Barcelona, Spain. Unidad de Tecnología Marina (UTM-CSIC), Barcelona, Spain.

2 New empirical roughness ∆T B Improving roughness correction presented at QWG-2, ESRIN

3 Salinity retrieval inversion for each T B assumed perfect auxiliary parameters linearized inversion problem linear inference inversion along dwell-line auxiliary parameter error covariance matrix full inversion problem Level 2 processors presented at QWG-2, ESRIN

4 Validation of new roughness model SSS from X-pol anomalies SSS from Y-pol anomalies OTT – 10 days, homo GC, model 2 presented at QWG-2, ESRIN

5 Validation of new roughness model SSS from X-pol anomalies SSS from Y-pol anomalies OTT – 10 days, homo GC, new model presented at QWG-2, ESRIN

6 Validation of new roughness model OTT – 10 days, homo GC, new model presented at QWG-2, ESRIN

7 New LUT October 2010 7 / 13

8 New LUT October 2010 8 / 13

9 Ongoing activities  Implementation of data selection techniques  Land filtering: discard L1B snapshots with (xi,eta) points located over land using land-sea mask  RFI filtering: discard L1B snapshots with (xi,eta) points having TB departure from an average oceanic image larger than some threshold (i.e. 20 K)  Celestial reflection: discard (xi,eta) points for which the Galactic-2 model suggests a contamination different from the cosmic background by more than a given threshold  Faraday rotation: discard (xi,eta) points for which the Faraday rotation angle is greater than given threshold (angle currently computed from L1C TEC auxiliary information)

10 Ongoing activities  Build a reference dataset, with minimal contaminations using data selection  for OTT studies  for roughness impact characterization Need a global dataset with a large range of geophysical conditions. Subdatasets for specific geophysical conditions (U = U 0, SSS = SSS 0, SST = SST 0 ) can be derived from it. In this case, a longer homogeneous (in terms of instrument stability and configuration) time series is required.

11 Ongoing activities  Quality flags  Connect MIRAS-TS (UPC) software to downstream processing chain  for cross-validation of L1B brightness temperatures  for testing impact of reconstruction options onto inversed salinity fields

12 Ongoing activities  OTT / roughness model development: iterative process to ensure consistency  Length of time integration window  Homogenization of geophysical conditions inside the Field of View full model with numerous parameters

13 Ongoing activities  OTT “without model” 1-parameter model, more robust presented at KP-3, Avila  Homogenization of geophysical conditions  ongoing tests on subsetting to check whether we produce a more robust TB( )

14 Near future activities  Soon  Salinity inversion  Empirical GMF for full (flat+rough) surface emissivity  L2PP-BEC: modify L2PP to allow specific tests (alternate forward model, minimization procedure,…)

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