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IEEE R10 Meeting Training /Workshop Session Chapter Support March 30, 2005 at Singapore R10 Meeting IEEE R10 Regional Chapter Coordinator Miki Yamamoto.

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Presentation on theme: "IEEE R10 Meeting Training /Workshop Session Chapter Support March 30, 2005 at Singapore R10 Meeting IEEE R10 Regional Chapter Coordinator Miki Yamamoto."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE R10 Meeting Training /Workshop Session Chapter Support March 30, 2005 at Singapore R10 Meeting IEEE R10 Regional Chapter Coordinator Miki Yamamoto

2 Chapter Support Role of Chapter Role of Chapter Current status of Chapters in R10 Current status of Chapters in R10 Chapter Formation Chapter Formation To keep a formed Chapter “active” To keep a formed Chapter “active” Chapter Support Program Chapter Support Program Tools/Information/Funding Tools/Information/Funding Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP) Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP) Rejuvenation of inactive Chapter Rejuvenation of inactive Chapter

3 Society/Section/Chapter A Society is a technical conglomeration of Members A Society is a technical conglomeration of Members There are 38 Technical Societies under the IEEE operation. The Society Members are all over the world. There are 38 Technical Societies under the IEEE operation. The Society Members are all over the world. A Chapter is the Union of Societies and Sections A Chapter is the Union of Societies and Sections A Chapter is the technical subunit of IEEE Section A Chapter is the technical subunit of IEEE Section

4 Grassroots Organizations Section Section Chapter Chapter Student Branch Student Branch

5 Chapter (1) 38 Societies (# of Possible Chapters) (Code) 38 Societies (# of Possible Chapters) (Code) Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society ( AES-10) Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society ( AES-10) Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-03) Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-03) Broadcast Technology Society (BT-02) Broadcast Technology Society (BT-02) Circuits and Systems Society (CAS-04) Circuits and Systems Society (CAS-04) Communications Society (COM-19) Communications Society (COM-19) Components Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society (CPMT-21) Components Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society (CPMT-21) Computer Society (C-16) Computer Society (C-16) Consumer Electronics Society (CE-08) Consumer Electronics Society (CE-08) Control Systems Society (CS-23) Control Systems Society (CS-23) Council on SuperConductivity Council on SuperConductivity Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society (DEI-32) Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society (DEI-32) Education Society (E-25) Education Society (E-25) Electromagnetic Compatibility Society (EMC-27) Electromagnetic Compatibility Society (EMC-27)

6 Chapter (2) Electron Devices Society (ED-15) Engineering Management Society (EM-14) Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMB-18) Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society (GRS-29) Industrial Electronics Society (IE-13) Industry Applications Society (IA-34) Information Theory Society (IT-12) Intelligent Transportation Systems Council Instrumentation and Measurement Society (IM-09) Lasers & Electro-Optics Society (LEO-36) Magnetics Society (MAG-33) Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-17) Nanotechnology Council Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPS-05)

7 Chapter (3) Neural Networks Society (NN-11) Oceanic Engineering Society (OE-22) Power Electronics Society (PEL-35) Power Engineering Society (PE-31) Product Safety Engineering Society Professional Communication Society (PC-26) Reliability Society (R-07) Robotics & Automation Society (RA-24) Sensors Council Signal Processing Society (SP-01) Society on Social Implications of Technology (SIT-30) Solid-State Circuits Society (SSC-37) Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (SMC-28) Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society (UFFC-20) Vehicular Technology Society (VT-06)

8 Current Status of Chapters in R10 (1) Australian Capital Territory4+J4 Australian Capital Territory4+J4 Bangalore6 Bangalore6 Bangladesh1 Bangladesh1 Beijing23 Beijing23 Bombay5 Bombay5 Calcutta7 Calcutta7 Changwon0 Changwon0 Daejeon1+J3 Daejeon1+J3 J means joint chapter with adjacent section

9 Current Status of Chapters in R10 (2) Delhi5 Delhi5 Fukuoka3 Fukuoka3 Gujarat2 Gujarat2 Hiroshima0 Hiroshima0 Hong Kong14 Hong Kong14 Hyderabad2 Hyderabad2 India Council7 India Council7 Indonesia1 Indonesia1

10 Current Status of Chapters in R10 (3) Islamabad0 Islamabad0 Japan Council36 Japan Council36 Kansai3 Kansai3 Karachi2 Karachi2 Kerala4 Kerala4 Kwangju0 Kwangju0 Lahore3 Lahore3 Madras4 Madras4

11 Current Status of Chapters in R10 (4) Malaysia10 Malaysia10 Nagoya0 Nagoya0 New South Wales6+J4 New South Wales6+J4 New Zealand North2+J4 New Zealand North2+J4 New Zealand SouthJ4 New Zealand SouthJ4 North Queensland1 North Queensland1 Queensland6 Queensland6 Republic of Philippines0 Republic of Philippines0

12 Current Status of Chapters in R10 (5) Sapporo0 Sapporo0 Sendai1 Sendai1 Seoul21+J3 Seoul21+J3 Shikoku0 Shikoku0 Singapore21 Singapore21 South Australia4+J4 South Australia4+J4 Sri Lanka0 Sri Lanka0 TaeguJ3 TaeguJ3

13 Current Status of Chapters in R10 (6) Tainan5 Tainan5 Taipei24 Taipei24 Thailand6 Thailand6 Tokyo0 Tokyo0 Uttar Pradesh2 Uttar Pradesh2 Victorian14+J4 Victorian14+J4 Western Australia4 Western Australia4

14 Newly Formed Chapters in R10 (1) 17 Chapters are formed in 2004 17 Chapters are formed in 2004 Jan 2004 Calcatta Section Joint Chapter AP03/MTT17 Jan 2004 Calcatta Section Joint Chapter AP03/MTT17 May 2004 Taipei Section GRS29 May 2004 Taipei Section GRS29 May 2004 Tainan Section AP03 May 2004 Tainan Section AP03 May 2004 Tainan Section SP01 May 2004 Tainan Section SP01 May 2004 Taipei Section CIS011 May 2004 Taipei Section CIS011 June 2004 Taipei Section E25 June 2004 Taipei Section E25

15 Newly Formed Chapters in R10 (2) June 2004 Japan Council CIS011 June 2004 Japan Council CIS011 July 2004 Fukuoka Section C16 July 2004 Fukuoka Section C16 Aug 2004 Singapore Section EMB18 Aug 2004 Singapore Section EMB18 Sep 2004 Hong Kong Section SMC28 Sep 2004 Hong Kong Section SMC28 Sep 2004 Bangalore Section CAS04 Sep 2004 Bangalore Section CAS04 Oct 2004 Calcutta Section LEO36 Oct 2004 Calcutta Section LEO36 Oct 2004 Kerala Section COM19 Oct 2004 Kerala Section COM19 Nov 2004 Queensland Section CIS011 Nov 2004 Queensland Section CIS011

16 Newly Formed Chapters in R10 (3) Nov 2004 Thainan Section CAS04 Nov 2004 Thainan Section CAS04 Nov 2004 Bangalore Section CPMT21 Nov 2004 Bangalore Section CPMT21 Dec 2004 Tainan Section CIS011 Dec 2004 Tainan Section CIS011 As of Dec. 2004

17 Chapter Formation There are three ways for Chapter Formation There are three ways for Chapter Formation New Society Chapter New Society Chapter New Joint Chapter New Joint Chapter Expand an Existing Chapter Expand an Existing Chapter

18 New Society Chapter (1) What you need What you need Petition Petition Petition for the Establishment of an IEEE Society Chapter Petition for the Establishment of an IEEE Society Chapter You can get on-line You can get on-line 12 Society Members to sign the New Chapter petition 12 Society Members to sign the New Chapter petition At least 12 current higher-grade Society members must sign the petition for a chapter to be formed. A "higher-grade" member is an IEEE member holding the status of Associate Member, Member, Senior Member or Fellow. At least 12 current higher-grade Society members must sign the petition for a chapter to be formed. A "higher-grade" member is an IEEE member holding the status of Associate Member, Member, Senior Member or Fellow. Approval of the Petition by the local Section Executive Committee Approval of the Petition by the local Section Executive Committee

19 New Society Chapter (2) Where to send a petition Where to send a petition IEEE REGIONAL ACTIVITIES Section/Chapter Support 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, New Jersey 08855

20 New Joint Chapter If a Society has fewer than 12 Members in a Section If a Society has fewer than 12 Members in a Section There are two ways to form a joint Chapter There are two ways to form a joint Chapter Joint Chapter covering two or more Societies Joint Chapter covering two or more Societies Joint Chapter of two or more contiguous Sections Joint Chapter of two or more contiguous Sections

21 Joint Chapter in a Section Requirements Requirements The same as for a single Society Chapter The same as for a single Society Chapter except that not less than three of the 12 signatures on the petition shall be members of each of the Societies involved except that not less than three of the 12 signatures on the petition shall be members of each of the Societies involved Examples Examples 8 members from Computer Society 8 members from Computer Society 4 members from Communications Society 4 members from Communications Society

22 Joint Chapter of 2 or more contiguous Sections Requirement Requirement A petition must be signed by not less than twelve (12) members, other than Students, of the Sections involved A petition must be signed by not less than twelve (12) members, other than Students, of the Sections involved Example Example Signs of 12 members from X section and Y section. Signs of 12 members from X section and Y section.

23 Expand an Existing Chapter Any Section in which a Society does not have a chapter, but has at least 3 Members in the Section may join and "Expand" an established chapter of a technically-related Society within the Section. The Chapter's status would be changed to "Joint Chapter." Any Section in which a Society does not have a chapter, but has at least 3 Members in the Section may join and "Expand" an established chapter of a technically-related Society within the Section. The Chapter's status would be changed to "Joint Chapter." Requirements Requirements At least 3 Members from a technically-related Society express interest in joining an existing chapter and the current Chapter-Chair agrees. At least 3 Members from a technically-related Society express interest in joining an existing chapter and the current Chapter-Chair agrees.

24 To Keep a Chapter Active Validity Validity Minimum 10 Society Members in a year Minimum 10 Society Members in a year Activity Activity Minimum Two (2) Technical Meetings in a year Minimum Two (2) Technical Meetings in a year Report (to its parent Section : section secretary) Report (to its parent Section : section secretary) Current Officer Report Current Officer Report Financial Report Financial Report Meeting Report Meeting Report These are requirements for getting financial support from HQ ($200 per year) These are requirements for getting financial support from HQ ($200 per year)

25 Chapter Support Program Tools Tools IEEE Entity Web Hosting IEEE Entity Web Hosting Information Information Member contact information (SAMIEEE) Member contact information (SAMIEEE) Funding Funding Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP) Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP)

26 IEEE Entity Web Hosting Available to Regions, Sections, Councils, Societies, Chapters and Student Branches. Available to Regions, Sections, Councils, Societies, Chapters and Student Branches. IEEE entities can develop, create and maintain their own web site on an IEEE host. IEEE entities can develop, create and maintain their own web site on an IEEE host. Hosted by IEEE servers Hosted by IEEE servers For more information For more information

27 Member Contact Information (SAMIEEE) SAMIEEE : Section Access to Member Information SAMIEEE : Section Access to Member Information SAMIEEE provides your entity with a member database as well as with the software needed to maintain and use the data SAMIEEE provides your entity with a member database as well as with the software needed to maintain and use the data When Chapter Chair would like to get a list of membership information in your section, When Chapter Chair would like to get a list of membership information in your section, Chapter Chair contacts her/his Section SAMIEEE representative for a list, or … Chapter Chair contacts her/his Section SAMIEEE representative for a list, or … Chapter Chair can use the SAMIEEE Chapter Chair can use the SAMIEEEprogram.

28 Funding (1) – from section Section Rebates Section Rebates $200 for each (active) Chapter $200 for each (active) Chapter Activity Bonus Activity Bonus All chapters reporting 6 or more meetings of a technical, professional or educational shall receive an additional $75. (of course, at least 2 technical meetings are required) All chapters reporting 6 or more meetings of a technical, professional or educational shall receive an additional $75. (of course, at least 2 technical meetings are required) However, its parent section must first qualify for the 10% early reporting bonus. However, its parent section must first qualify for the 10% early reporting bonus.

29 Funding (2) – from Society Society Chapter Funding Guide Society Chapter Funding Guide Society Chapter subsidy program Society Chapter subsidy program Societies may provide funding to support Chapter initiatives. Societies may provide funding to support Chapter initiatives. On Case-by-case basis (you should contact) On Case-by-case basis (you should contact) Through the Funding Guide, Chapters have access to information on Society support Through the Funding Guide, Chapters have access to information on Society support

30 Distinguished Lecturer Program DLP DLP A personal visit from a renowned lecturer. A personal visit from a renowned lecturer. Offered by Societies/Councils Offered by Societies/Councils Visit counts towards meeting requirements(2 meeting per year) Visit counts towards meeting requirements(2 meeting per year) DLP operates according to procedures defined by the sponsoring Society DLP operates according to procedures defined by the sponsoring Society For more information For more information

31 Rejuvenation What is “ Rejuvenation ” ? What is “ Rejuvenation ” ? Assisting Sections/Chapters to return to providing their local members the benefits of membership in their Section/Chapters Assisting Sections/Chapters to return to providing their local members the benefits of membership in their Section/Chapters

32 Rejuvenation of inactive Chapter (1) If your section has inactive chapter … If your section has inactive chapter … What is inactivity? What is inactivity? Chapters are marked for rejuvenation/ dissolution after 3 years of not submitting their required reports. Chapters are marked for rejuvenation/ dissolution after 3 years of not submitting their required reports. First step for re-activation First step for re-activation Contacting of the past officer(s) of the Chapter Contacting of the past officer(s) of the Chapter SAMIEEE is useful for recruiting volunteers SAMIEEE is useful for recruiting volunteers

33 Rejuvenation of inactive Chapter (2)

34 Chapter Chair Reference Guide Chapter Chair Reference Guide is available online Chapter Chair Reference Guide is available online ccrefguide.pdf 1. Creating a new IEEE society chapter 2. IEEE financial support for your chapter 3. IEEE societies ’ resources and administrative support 4. Regional activities resources and administrative support Published on 13 January, 2004 Published on 13 January, 2004

35 To Keep a Chapter Active Validity Validity Minimum 10 Society Members in a year Minimum 10 Society Members in a year Activity Activity Minimum Two (2) Meetings in a year Minimum Two (2) Meetings in a year Report (to its parent Section : section secretary) Report (to its parent Section : section secretary) Current Officer Report Current Officer Report Financial Report Financial Report Meeting Report Meeting Report Keep in touch with volunteers for Chapters Keep in touch with volunteers for Chapters

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