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Chemical Kinetics Branch of chemistry concerned with the rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemical Kinetics Branch of chemistry concerned with the rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemical Kinetics Branch of chemistry concerned with the rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions

2 Chapter 19 Reaction Rates and Equilibrium Rates of Reaction Reversible Reactions and Equilibrium Determining Whether a Reaction Will Occur Calculating Entropy and Free Energy The Progress of Chemical Reactions

3 Ch 19.1 Rates of Reaction Collision Theory Factors Affecting Reaction Rates

4 Collision Theory Particles of reactants (ions, atoms, molecules) must collide in order for reactions to occur An effective collision occurs when reactant particles approach each other: – at the proper angle –With enough Energy (Force)

5 Collision Theory The number of effective collisions between reactant particles that result in their changing to product in a given unit of time determines the REACTION RATE

6 Factors Affecting Reaction Rates 1) Nature of Reactants 2) Concentration 3) Temperature 4) Catalyst

7 Nature of Reactants Number of bonds to be broken in Reactants Ionic bonds break with less energy than covalent bond

8 Concentration of Reactants More particles  more collisions  faster reaction rate Homogenous Reaction = all reactants in same phase (s, l, g, aq) Heterogeneous Reaction = reactants in different phase –If a gas, decrease volume, increase pressure –If a solid, pulverize to increase surface area

9 Temperature Increase temperature  increase KE  increase collisions  increases reaction rate

10 Catalyst Substance that increases the rate or speeds up a chemical reaction,with out itself being permanently altered Decreases the amount of energy needed for effective collisions


12 Endothermic Reaction Energy is gained, absorbed, required P.E. of Reactants < P.E. Products + Δ H = Endothermic Reactions


14 Exothermic Reactions Energy is lost, released P.E. of Reactants > P.E. Products - Δ H = Exothermic Reactions


16 Base your answers on the information and diagram below, which represent the changes in potential energy that occur during the given reaction. Given the reaction: A + B --> C a) Does the diagram illustrate an exothermic or an endothermic reaction? State one reason, in terms of energy, to support your answer.


18 Answer Endothermic, the products have more energy than the reactants.

19 Given the reaction: S(s) + O 2 (g)  SO 2 (g) + energy Which diagram best represents the potential energy changes for this reaction?

20 Answer Choice 1, Energy is a product so it is exothermic

21 Which statement correctly describes an endothermic chemical reaction? (1) The products have higher potential energy than the reactants, and the ΔH is negative. (2) The products have higher potential energy than the reactants, and the ΔH is positive. (3) The products have lower potential energy than the reactants, and the ΔH is negative. (4) The products have lower potential energy than the reactants, and the ΔH is positive.

22 Answer choice 2

23 The potential energy diagram below represents a reaction. Which arrow represents the activation energy of the forward reaction? (1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D

24 Answer choice B

25 Ch 19.2 Reversible Reactions and Equilibrium Reversible Reactions Factors Affecting Equilibrium: Le Chatelier’s Principle Equilibrium Constants

26 Reversible Reactions Reactions that occur in both directions at the same time 2SO 2(g) + O 2(g) 2SO 3(g) Equal amount of products and reactants are being produced

27 Chemical Equilibrium The forward and reverse reactions take place at the same rate

28 Factors Affecting Equilibrium: Le Chatelier’s Principle If a stress is applied to a system at equilibrium, the system shifts to release the stress. Stress: –Concentration of reactants –Concentration of products –Change in temperature –Change in pressure

29 Le Chatelier’s Principle: Concentration H 2 CO 3(aq) CO 2(aq) + H 2 O (l) Add CO 2(aq), shift the reaction to the left Remove CO 2(aq), shift the reaction to the right Remove products, increase the yield of products –Farmers and Chickens


31 Le Chatelier’s Principle: Temperature 2SO 2(g) + O 2(g) 2SO 3(g) + Heat Add heat, shift left Remove heat (cool), shift right

32 Le Chatelier’s Principle: Pressure N 2(g) + 3H 2(g) 2NH 3(g) Increase pressure shift right (Less moles) Decrease pressure shift left (More moles) If the number of moles on each side of the reaction are the same, change in pressure will not change equilibrium

33 Equilibrium Constants K eq Ratio of product concentrations to reactant concentrations Each concentration is raised to the power that equals the number of moles aA + bB cC + dD K eq = [C] c x [D] d [A] a x [B] b

34 Equilibrium Constants K eq K eq > 1, products are favored at equilibrium K eq < 1, reactants are favored at equilibrium

35 Write the K eq CS 2(g) + H 2 (g)  CH 4 (g) +S (g)


37 Write the K eq HCl (g) +O 2(g)  H 2 O (g) +Cl 2(g)

38 Which side of the equilibrium is favored, products or reactants, for each of the following where, A  B. a) K eq = 1.375 x 10 -3 b) K eq = 1.375 x 10 +3 c) K eq = 1.00 x 10 0

39 For the following equilibrium: N 2 (g) +H 2(g)  NH 3 (g)  H= -386 KJ/mole Predict the direction the equilibrium will shift if: a)N 2 is added? b)H 2 is removed? c)NH 3 is added? d)NH 3 is removed?

40 Ch 19.3 Determining Whether a Reaction Will Occur Free Energy and Spontaneous Reactions Entropy Heat, Entropy, and Free Energy

41 Free Energy and Spontaneous Reactions Free Energy – energy available to do work –Usually does not exceed 70% efficiency –Only exists if the reaction actually occurs

42 Free Energy and Spontaneous Reactions CO 2(g)  C (s) + O 2(g) This reaction is balanced, but does not occur. Two types of reactions: –Actual –Theoretical

43 Actual Reactions Spontaneous reactions – occur naturally and favor formation of products All release free energy

44 Theoretical Reactions Nonspontaneous reactions – do not favor the formation of products

45 Entropy The disorder of a system The Law of Disorder – processes move in the direction of maximum disorder or randomness.

46 Example: Your Bedroom


48 Entropy Put the phases in order of disorder: Solid  Liquid  Gas

49 How Heat and Entropy Affect Spontaneity HeatEntropySpontaneous Reaction? Decrease (Exothermic) IncreasesYes Increase (Endothermic) IncreasesOnly if unfavorable heat change is offset by favorable entropy change Decrease (Exothermic) DecreasesOnly if unfavorable entropy change is offset by favorable heat change Increase (Endothermic) DecreasesNo

50 Entropy Symbol: S Units: J/K ΔS 0 = S 0 (products) - S 0 (reactants)

51 Free Energy (Gibbs Free Energy) Symbol: ΔG Units: J ΔG = ΔH – TΔS –ΔH – change in enthalpy –T – temperature K –ΔS change in entropy

52 Ch 19.5 Rate Laws Rate Law – an expression relating the rate of a reaction to the concentration of reactants k = rate constant

53 Rate Law A  B Rate = k[A] aA + bB  cC + dD Rate = k [A] a [B] b

54 Write the rate law: NO (g) + O 3(g)  NO 2(g) + O 2(g)





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