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Stomach by SEM Simple columnar epithelium with no glands in submucosa and no villi.

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Presentation on theme: "Stomach by SEM Simple columnar epithelium with no glands in submucosa and no villi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stomach by SEM Simple columnar epithelium with no glands in submucosa and no villi

2 P C

3 Stomach

4 Stomach – No glands in submucosa and no villi
Duodenum – Brunner’s glands Jejunum – No glands in submucosa Noticeable plicae circulares Ileum – Peyer’s patches Colon – No villi, long, straight crypts

5 Duodenum

6 Where are we?

7 Jejunum Plicae circulares are prominent. no glands in submucosa
Long villi

8 LOTS of Peyer’s patches is a giveaway that you are in the ileum.

9 Kupffer cells


11 Pancreas Islets of Langerhans

12 The blood from the umbilical cord essentially bypasses the fetal liver
In the fetus this is called the ductus venosus After birth the ductus venosus closes Its remnants are the ligamentum venosum, round ligament and falciform ligament

13 Conceptually

14 Circulation


16 A

17 From which organ is this tissue section?
What is structure ‘A’? The circle encompasses which structure?


19 What cell type is indicated by the black arrow?
What structure is indicated by the red arrow?


21 What organ is this? Name the structure indicated by the arrow.


23 What part of the alimentary canal is this?
What structure is indicated by the red arrow? (spelling counts!) What structure is indicated by the black arrow/


25 What structures are indicated by the arrows from 9?
What structure is indicated by the black arrow?

26 Lamina propria is loose connective tissue above the muscularis mucosae
Where is the plica circulares? Brunner’s glands in the submucosa are diagnostic of the duodenum.

27 What area is indicated by the red arrows?
Which part of the alimentary canal is seen in this section?

28 Week 3


30 Identify the plica circulares in this photo
Where is the muscularis mucosae?

31 Goblet cells


33 The colon has no villi It has DEEP straight crypts Unlike the stomach, it has lots of goblet cells.

34 Stomach

35 Rectum No villi Straight crypts

36 Sublingual salivary gland
1- mucous part of a mixed secretion unit 2- serous demilune 3- serous secretory unit 4- mucous secretory unit 5- myoepithelial cells

37 parotid salivary gland
What are 7 and 8? What is 2? parotid salivary gland

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