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Case 1 : Free-Living Jaguar Lindsey, Rachel, William.

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1 Case 1 : Free-Living Jaguar Lindsey, Rachel, William



4 General Jaguar Information Animalia Chordata Mammalia Carnivora Felidae Panthera Onca Scientific Classification Jaguars are the largest cat in the northern hemisphere and the only one in its genus in the Americas. They are compact muscular felines with a normal weight range of 125-215 pounds. Males have been known to reach up to 350 pounds. Adults may range from 5 to 6 ft in length and stand at about 3ft tall. Jaguars are solitary animals. They meet up to mate and mother-cub groups. One of the longest lived cats, jaguars average 12-15 years, but can reach ages in the mid 20s. Because of deforestation and poaching, Jaguars are considered to be near threatened.

5 Distribution of Jaguars

6 A free-living male jaguar was killed accidentally in Belizon in French Guiana. The animal was determined to be a young adult on the basis of its size and teeth characteristics. 30 minutes after death, intracardiac blood and heart samples were collected. Heart tissue from the jaguar was homogenized, digested with the enzyme trysin, and injected subcutaneously into five Swiss mice. The mice were observed for infection. All five mice died between 11 and 33 days after inoculation. Abdominal fluid, brain, and lung tissue from mice were examined microscopically for the presence of protozoa.

7 Micrograph of brain sampleMicrograph of abdominal fluid Inoculated Swiss mice brain and abdominal fluid samples

8 Possible Protozoan Agent: Toxoplama gondii blood paracite definitive host is domestic and wild cats Sarcocystis some species of this genus infect felines

9 Toxoplama gondii Not the cause of death for the jaguar Did kill the mice Blood parasite – found in heart tissue Young adult could have been infected through mother or by ingesting infected feces or cysts in meat

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