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QUALITY ASSURANCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION Prof. Colin N. Peiris Quality Assurance Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "QUALITY ASSURANCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION Prof. Colin N. Peiris Quality Assurance Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 QUALITY ASSURANCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION Prof. Colin N. Peiris Quality Assurance Specialist

2 Character of Universities 20 th Centuary  Government to continuously provide adequate funding  Highly politicized and militant university community  Isolation of universities from markets  Academics believe in idealism, nationalism, liberalism, radicalism etc.  Supplied on national basis – mostly for local students  Government regulated  Competition and profits were almost unknown  Smaller enrolment for elitist students (studies or wealth)

3 Universities in 21 st Centuary  Higher Education is International  Annual Growth in Enrolment is 7%  Active Participation of Private Sector and Religious Organizations  Quality and Relevance are Important  Annual Tuition Fee Income US$ 30 billion  Universities Compete for Talent and Money  Mass Higher Education (Higher Education for all)  Role of State is Shrinking and Diminishing  Demand Exceeds the Supply  Offerings and Deliveries in Different ways

4 In 1880  Rich countries were 04 times as rich as poorest African Countries  Rich countries were 02 times as rich as most Asian Countries In 2002  Rich countries were 400 times as rich as poorest African Countries  Rich countries were 10 times as rich as most Asian Countries Economies – Developed Vs Developing Countries Why We Need To Change?

5 Some Statements on Quality Assurance  QA is not a science, but common sense  Instruments are important, but the right attitude is much more important  QA is the responsibility of everybody  QA should be part of the overall policy and management

6 Objectives of Quality Assurance Universities are Public Institutions Higher education is a “Public Good” -Is of crucial importance to the: Health Wealth Well-being of society and Economy of the country Is a key factor in promoting and safeguarding public confidence In the country Higher Education

7 HE is the engine that drives the economy - a priority public issue for governments. - a strategic, human resource investment To fuel the engine need to get the public Support - Establish Goals and PI’s - Report on Progress

8 Public and Government are concern with HE – standards –quality –employability –skills of graduates HE is expensive. Increased demands for accountability


10 PI’s - WHY? WHAT FOR?  Universities need base decisions concerning - efficiency - effectiveness -Productivity  Comparisons and assessments of educational functioning.

11 Expansion of HE has gone hand in hand with the diversification of its market and products  Increased competition among students and institutions  Growing need for recognition and certification of courses  Trans-border phenomenon of overseas students  Courses becoming increasingly difficult to regulate

12 What PI’s are - and what they are not “If the goals of education are vague or undefined or if the ways to achieve them are unknown, then no information is useful and anything or nothing will serve as an indicator.” (OECD, Indicators of Performance of Educational Systems, Paris, 1973)

13 End note QA is like adding brakes to cars. The purpose of brakes is not to stop you: it’s to enable you to go fast! Brakes help avoid accidents caused by mechanical failures in other cars, rude drivers, and road hazards. QA must be internally driven and become a need rather than an obligation Whatever QA system is adopted, it has to be shared by majority of members of the Inst. QA is a destination but not an end point

14 Positive Thinking

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