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Professional Learning Communities Session 2 Tenino High School December 15, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Learning Communities Session 2 Tenino High School December 15, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Learning Communities Session 2 Tenino High School December 15, 2009

2 Roles

3 Norms

4 Session Overview Part I: Culture and Climate Part II: Exploring Readiness Data Part III: Essential Conditions

5 Today’s Learning Targets Outcomes and Targets Teams will be able to articulate the difference between culture and climate, and describe how their culture influences PLC work. Using a data protocol, teams will analyze their readiness survey results Teams will identify 5 strengths and 5 areas of need, and develop an initial plan for their next steps.

6 Connecting to Prior Learning What has been the focus of your PLC journey?

7 Conditions for a Cultural Shift Essential Conditions for PLCs to “grow” are supported through structural and collaborative changes. “Restructuring can facilitate the process and is often a prequisite for moving forward, but merely changing the structures is never sufficient in creating PLCs.” DuFour

8 Culture and Climate Culture = Personality Climate = Mood

9 Changing Personality Exploring Christmas Carol…What does it take to change Scrooge’s Personality? (Or anyone’s for that matter?) What are the parallels for shifting a school’s culture?

10 T-Chart What influences your school’s culture (Personality)? What influences your school’s climate (mood)? How can your PLC processes influence climate? How are your PLC processes influenced by culture?

11 Culture in a PLC A disposition toward reflective practice, a willingness to change and a collective culture of high expectations are critical to lasting improvement. What is your culture of your PLC? Assessment- PLC Readiness Survey or Tracking Cultural Shifts in a PLC

12 Leadership and PLCs “Creating a culture of inquiring rather than continuing to work in a culture of isolation represents a significant change within schools that must be supported. Systems success in improving student learning are characterized by: Articulated norms and values A focus on student learning Reflective dialogue Collaborative practices Deprivatization of teaching” Robert J Garmston co-founder of Center for Adaptive Schools

13 *PLC Leaders support by… Providing resources (space, time, materials) Providing an Instructional focus Structures and procedures such as protocols to guide their time together Refocus staff to “begin with the end in mind” Model learning *PLC Leaders are administration and teacher leaders.

14 Why Protocols? Structure that supports community Clearly define roles Create psychological safety through structures Are used purposefully Define time, expectations, procedures and products Builds trust through safe interactions

15 Data Protocol Getting started (5 minutes) Describing the data (10 minutes) Interpreting the Data (10 minutes) Work Place implications (10 minutes) Reflection (10 Minutes)

16 Conditions 5 Strengths with Evidence ConditionsEvidence Deprivitization of Practice“We shared ideas for pre-writing strategies. We discussed how to develop a grade level rubric. We are setting a schedule for peer observation.”

17 Action Plan Conditions Areas of Growth Conditions“Short Term Win”Action Steps (Who? What? When?) Time to meet and talkClass coverage

18 Reflection and next steps What will you share with staff as a result of tonight? How did your team model effective group norms? What follow-up or support do you feel you need?

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