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1 GLAST-LAT Calibration Unit Shipment to SLAC Plan Review Luca Latronico Alessandro Brez Michele Pinchera

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Presentation on theme: "1 GLAST-LAT Calibration Unit Shipment to SLAC Plan Review Luca Latronico Alessandro Brez Michele Pinchera"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 GLAST-LAT Calibration Unit Shipment to SLAC Plan Review Luca Latronico Alessandro Brez Michele Pinchera April 17 2007

2 2 Overview  Meeting Goal  Activities Schedule  Shipment Issues  CU-ISC/OSC Shipping Configuration  Shipping Plan  OSC changes  Handling/Assembly Issues  PHT and assembly documentation  CU vertical operation options  Receiving Tests

3 3 Meeting Goal Goal –Authorize shipment of the CU to LAT-ISOC at SLAC Calibration Unit Flight Hardware Handling Plan –LAT-PS-08131, approved april 14 2006 –Describes CU Integration and Test at INFN-Pisa and CERN –Original plan was to de-integrate CU at INFN-Pisa and ship single modules back to SLAC –Current plan is to send the integrated CU –Technical discussion between INFN-Pisa and SLAC provided support documentation and minor modifications to allow the CU shipment –CU will be operated at ISOC as a test-bed

4 4 Shipping List Calibration Unit –Integrated in ISC and OSC assemblies EGSE –GASU, VME crate, PCs and DAQ network MGSE –Rotation stand, integration and handling tools

5 5 Calibration Unit Description - reminder SubsystemItemPart NumberSerial Number StatusNotesLocation TKRTrackerLAT-DS-00722TKRFM8Flight spare grid-bay 3 TKRTrackerLAT-DS-00722TKRFM16Non-flightFlight design grid-bay 2 CALCalorimeterLAT-DS-04536CALFM101Flight spare grid-bay 1 CALCalorimeterLAT-DS-04536CALFM109Flight spare grid-bay 3 CALCalorimeterLAT-DS-04536CALFM119Non-flightFlight design grid-bay 2 ACDACD tilesTBD Non-flight5 flight design tiles ISC I&TMechanical Grid LAT-DS-01441NANon-flightFlight-like 1x4 grid ELXGASU boxLAT-DS-016114Non-flightFlight design ISC   

6 6 Activities Schedule Shipment from INFN-Pisa on 23 th April –Transfer by truck from INFN-Pisa to FCO (Rome) Airport Arrival to SFO by 28 th April –Flight from FCO to SFO with carrier Delta Air Lines CU incoming test during ISOC workshop (30Apr-2May) –INFN-Pisa team support

7 7 CU-ISC/OSC Shipping Configuration CU will be shipped as an integrated detector, not as single TRK and CAL module as foreseen in the original plan (ref. LAT-PS- 08131) –Technical feasibility was discussed in previous engineering meetings between INFN-Pisa and SLAC OSC* Base Frame with wire rope isolators OSC* Cover OSC* breather valves * OSC Cribbing removed and Cover transparent for clarity CU inside the ISC

8 8 Shipping Plan Shipping plan from INFN-Pisa to SLAC –Shipment from INFN-Pisa to FCO on 23 th April Transfer by truck from INFN-Pisa to FCO (Rome) Airport (Shipper MACROS) –Transportation and storage arranged to minimize environmental stresses on CU –Flight from FCO to SFO by 28 th April Flight from FCO to Atlanta with carrier Delta Air Lines (Shipper MACROS) Flight from Atlanta to SFO with carrier Delta Air Lines (Shipper MACROS) –Transfer from SFO to SLAC by 30 th April Transfer by truck from SFO to SLAC (Shipper American Overseas Air Freight Inc., TBC)

9 9 1.Cribbing has been added to the OSC Base Frame to prevent any contact during air shipping The OSC is provided with 12 CARIBUL – wire ropes ACX8/16/120/100 for shock isolation The maximum lateral movement of the ACX8/16/120/100 (OSC cover) is less than 65mm The new Base Frame Cribbing have been designed to permit a clearance of at least 70mm The appendances don’t interfere with the swivel hoist rings, however they can be easily removed before handling Cribbing (Aluminum 6082-T6) OSC changes OSC changes, after technical discussions with SLAC 1.Added Cribbing 2.Changed relief valves

10 10 OSC changes, after technical discussions with SLAC 1.Added Cribbing 2.Changed relief valves 2.The two breather valves used for INFN-CERN transportation by truck (AGM-TA- 240-10-10-R) have been changed with two Halkey-Roberts 990RPV 05 05 (used for TRK air transportation) to satisfy the transportation by air flow rate requirements. OSC breather valves Min flow rate at the design limit pressure of the OSC: Design limit pressure of OSC = 1.74psi (yield stress SF=3) 1 valve at 1.7 psi (below design limit pressure) = 6.4 scfm 2 valves at 1.7 psi (below design limit pressure) = 12.8 scfm OSC changes Flow rate requirement: 5.6 scfm

11 11 CU Packaging Handling Transportation and Assembly documentation Documentation provided by INFN-Pisa  Location link:  Documents tree link:_Deliverable_Documents_Tree_Deliverable_Documents_Tree  Technical notes 13mar07_CUshipment_rel213mar07_CUshipment_rel2 Addendum to CU OSC_10Apr07Addendum to CU OSC_10Apr07  CU ISC/OSC Packaging Handling Transportation Procedure LAT-PS-XXXX-01 CU PHT ProcedureLAT-PS-XXXX-01 CU PHT Procedure ISC handling-information-V02ISC handling-information-V02 OSC NO-cribbing handling-information-V02OSC NO-cribbing handling-information-V02 OSC with-cribbing handling-information-V02OSC with-cribbing handling-information-V02  CU Assembly Procedure INFN-LAT-MECH-008-03 INFN CU ISC Assembly ProcedureINFN-LAT-MECH-008-03 INFN CU ISC Assembly Procedure INFN-LAT-MECH-009-01 INFN CU OSC Assembly ProcedureINFN-LAT-MECH-009-01 INFN CU OSC Assembly Procedure  Applicable documents and drawings (LAT/INFN)

12 12 CU vertical operation options Proposed options (ref. Addendum to CU OSC_10Apr07) 1.CU on 1x4 rotation stand 2.CU-ISC as it is on modified 1x4 rotation stand 3.CU-ISC as it is on LAT rotation stand EGSE Stand Shaft with rectangular flange Base frame bolted to Base Plate PS VME GASU PS transf. 1. CU on 1x4 rotation stand 2. CU-ISC as it is on modified 1x4 rotation stand Rotation Stand Frame Spacer

13 13 Receiving Tests CU incoming test during ISOC workshop (30Apr-2May) – INFN-Pisa team will perform receiving tests – and support handling operations – subsystem level charge injection tests will be performed on single modules – TKR Noise&Gain, as per LAT-PS-03290 – TKR Noise occupancy, as per LAT-PS-03290 – Full CAL CPT as per LAT-PS-03287 – CR data taking will be run as a system level test – Cosmic rays data taking (end2end test BT2 - TKR, CAL LO, CAL HI trigger enabled)

14 GLAST LAT Project CU Meeting, Apr 17, 2007 CU @ SLAC Delivery from Pisa to SLAC/ISOC (building 33) –Upon arrival CU will be stored in the clean room where the LAT was integrated –post-ship tests will be performed by Pisa »will use EGSE (hardware/computers) delivered with the CU for testing »standalone set-up will not be connected to the SLAC network –Results –will be stored in CD/DVD Testing @ ISOC (building 84) –Evaluation of facility, MGSE, and EGSE –SLAC engineers and technicians will evaluate if facility, MGSE and EGSE need to be modified »after assessment CU can be transported into ISOC facility Facility –ISOC will ensure environmental monitoring/controls and earthquake safety are adequate prior to installation MGSE –CU support structure may require modifications to allow data taking in horizontal and vertical positions EGSE hardware –CU will be instrumented with other existing DAQ units »SIU, EPU, etc. EGSE software –decision to test with FSW depends on manpower available to adapt test scripts to CU hardware configuration »this can not interfere with current FSW priorities –operation requirements will be revisited From Eduardo

15 GLAST LAT Project CU Meeting, Apr 17, 2007 Conclusions CU and associated EGSE, MGSE shipped as a single detector to SLAC –Will serve as a LAT testbed at LAT-ISOC –No need for further integration –Some modifications to MGSE required for vertical operation All technical issues for shipment addressed and resolved with SLAC concurrence in techincal meetings Solutions for vertical operations suggested based on experience at INFN-Pisa –Under evaluation by SLAC

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