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Digging for “ Gold ” How the Annual Report relates to your own Personal Business.

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Presentation on theme: "Digging for “ Gold ” How the Annual Report relates to your own Personal Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digging for “ Gold ” How the Annual Report relates to your own Personal Business.

2 O.T.J.T.  On The Job Training!  1 year of experience = Make a life time of change

3 3 PURPOSES OF THE ANNUAL REPORT  Form should be used as template/worksheet for creating your 2012 Chapter Business Plan. Usually done by President-Elect and her Team in the fall preceding her term. Do not submit this work; it is for your planning reference only.  This form also serves as the mandatory Annual Report that all chapters are required to complete and submit, with supporting documentations as indicated by Feb 2, 2013. Here you are documenting actual versus planned results. Failure to submit the completed report will result in dissolution of the chapter.  Upon receipt of the completed report and documentation, National WCR determines the chapter ’ s eligibility for recognition in the Chapter Excellence Awards Program.

4 SUBMISSION RULES:  The Annual Report form must be used as provided. Please do not separate entry pages with other sheets of paper or documentation.  The Annual Report and required documentation should be bound in a small folder or by binder clip.  Keep documentation concise. Provide only what is requested. Do not include any excess material (photos,videos,etc) If you are unclear on documentation requirements, please contact the national office before submitting the Annual Report.  Clearly label each piece of documentation with the question number it supports.  The Annual Report and documentation must be complete and submitted together. No modifications, corrections, or alterations will be allowed, once the report is submitted. If you are unclear on documentation requirements, please contact the national office.

5  2008 or later (1 pt)  1981-2007 (2pts)  1961-1980 (3pts)  1960 or earlier(4 pts) 1.) CHAPTER CHARTER YEAR  This let you add points for longevity

6  Enter the chapter ’ s Total Members on March 31, 2012  If this number is greater than 2 or equal to 50 Add 5pts 100 Add additional 5 Max pts possible: 15 UP KEEP Keeping up with your team as they come & go.

7  Entering the chapter ’ s Renewal Rate on March 31, 2012-here____  70% add (2pts)  75% add additional (3pts)  80% or better add another (4pts) RENEWING MEMBERS = RENEWING CLIENTS  How do YOU keep your past clients coming back?  How do YOU keep your past clients from forgetting YOU?

8  The chapter has a paper or electronic newsletter that is produced and distributed at least quarterly. CHAPTER NEWSLETTER = YOUR FOLLOW-UP  Do you have one for your clients? Several Options are available for you to use and some are even FREE!

9  The local REALTOR Association Executive (or other staff person) is a national WCR member in your chapter. IMPORTANT PEOPLE TO KNOW  Your WCR Board- Don ’ t you think knowing this person is a good thing?

10  In 2012, anyone from the Chapter has posted a Program Idea on the WCR Speakers & Programs Message Board in the Member Center at (1pt) per posting. SHARING  “ Helping others get what they want, gets you what you need. ” – Zig Ziglar

11  If the chapter has a Web site or Facebook Fan Page displaying the current WCR Mission Statement- Please provide and counts as 2 pts. WEBSITES/BLOGS  Your web site you will learn and blogs.

12  Add 2 (pts) for a working link to at least two of the following:,, State REALTOR Association and/or Local REALTOR Association BACK LINKING  Back linking ranks your higher!

13  In 2012, the Chapter was featured in a non-WCR published article. FREE PR  Learning to do this is HUGE!

14  Add 1(pt) for each WCR local chapter elected officer who is a director of their local association of REALTORS or MLS. NETWORKING  Knowing these people could be key to your own success!

15  The chapter held eight (8) membership meetings with programs in the calendar year. EFFECTIVENESS & VALUE  Regrouping and Focus on Education and Fellowship!

16  Provide dated documentation that all chapter meetings and programs for the year were scheduled (no TBAs) and announced to your members. STAYING FOCUSED  Subject to change but with no you lack a map to gold!

17  Chapter Submitted 2012 Entrepreneur of the Year Award Recipient. CELEBRATING  Celebrating those who have achieved letters from the business have to thank for the success

18  The chapter builds it ’ s WCR identity as a REALTOR resource by delivering programs that enhance performance. HOW TO BUILD UP!  Where are you needing help? Knowledge, Support, & Motivation about your market!  Expend time on Programs & less on Hoopla!

19 6 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AREAS  Technology  Diverse Markets  Leadership Skills  Economy and Demographics  Civic Environment  Business Development

20  The prepared a balanced budget for the year of 2012.  The chapter governing board met six times in 2012. WHO-HOW-WHERE-&HOW MUCH?  Who will be on your team; Title Co, Mortgage Co, Warranty Co, Insurance Co?  Do you need to prepare a budget?  Refocus, Regroup, & direction with outside Resources from your team.

21  The Chapter held at least two new member orientations during 2012.  Program must include: *WCR ’ s Mission Statement, Vision and Long-Term Goals *The value of getting involved *Member benefits LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT  Expose what you offer to new people.  What is your values- Offer to Speak, Fix, & Share  Get others to evaluate  Ask why you didn ’ t get the job

22  Chapter Officers registered and attended important 2012 WCR organizational events. EDUCATION  High Level of education for you and your team!  Workshops are a simple but affective way of learning new things!

23 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT NETWORK DESIGNATION  Being professional is about looking the part and acting the part.  Why not put initials behind your signature (m.d., c.p.a., or p.c.)  Want to be paid like a professional but you don ’ t look or sound like one?  Sign off with your designations!

24 THANK YOU FOR COMING! Interested in further information, contact me at:

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