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AIDS response in Vietnam and Laos: To promote a right- based inclusive approach on HIV/AIDS policy for discriminated indigenous people and PLHIV in Quang.

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Presentation on theme: "AIDS response in Vietnam and Laos: To promote a right- based inclusive approach on HIV/AIDS policy for discriminated indigenous people and PLHIV in Quang."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIDS response in Vietnam and Laos: To promote a right- based inclusive approach on HIV/AIDS policy for discriminated indigenous people and PLHIV in Quang Tri province in Vietnam and Sepone district in Laos Presented by Issack Robert Rao Project Manager February 21 st, 2011

2 Project title and main donors 1- Title: Towards mainstreaming the discriminated populations in the HIV/AIDS struggle in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. French Agency of Development (AFD) European Initiative for Democracy and Human Right (EIDHR) 3- Total of budget: 1,360,500 € (Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos) Budget Vietnam-Laos: 1,051,000 € (including about 40.000 euros for regional activities) Of which: AFD: 44.3% / 473,000 € EIDHR: 22.9% / 243,000 € HI: 32.8%

3 Project period and location 1- Period: From Aug. 2008 to Aug. 2011, will be extended to June 2012 2- Location: In Vietnam: 8 villages in Da Krong district, 8 villages in Huong Hoa district of Quang Tri province In Laos: 08 villages in Sepone district, Savannakhet prov.

4 Objectives Overall objective: To contribute to the HIV/AIDS risk transmission decrease among sedentary and migrant populations living along the road 9 in Vietnam and in Laos. To contribute to the taking into account of minorities in Vietnamese and Lao development policies Specific objective: Ethnic minorities populations from age group of 12 to 49 in the hills area along the road 9 in Savannakhet province in Laos and Quang Tri province in Vietnam are engaged in prevention, testing and care process in the HIV response

5 Expected results E ComponentsExpected Results Socioeconomic 1-With the support of ACEP and Red Cross, implement economical and social activities for ethnic populations by allowing them to think about the long-term risks, and provide inclusive support to PLHIV Behavior Change Awareness- Raising 2-An operational awareness raising system, adapted to the minorities culture and their way of life, improves behavior change towards HIV prevention for all the population VCT services - Mobile and at VCT centers 3-A screening system for treatment access and care of clients is operational in 2 target districts in Quang Tri province and in Dong Ha, Vietnam Support to PLHIV 4-Existing and emerging local NGOs and project partners are able to develop awareness-raising actions concerning HIV, adapted to minorities context,and in coordination with institutional and non-governmental actors

6 Beneficiaries up to December 2010 No.BeneficiariesTargeted Achieved MaleFemaleTotal 1No. of beneficiaries in socioeconomic activities 2,400 1,107 1,253 2,360 In Vietnam 1,600 656 744 1,400 In Laos 800 451 509 960 2No. of ethnic minority people who benefited of wareness raising activities 6,000 1,949 1,809 3,758 In Vietnam 1,565 1,724 3,289 In Laos 384 85 469 3No. of participants in HIV group discussion 1,200 244 173 417 4No. of pupils who participated 3,000 1,321 1,551 2,872 5No. of clients of VCT counseled 600 814 1,123 1,937 6No. of villagers who had pre-test counseling, screening test, and post test counseling 1,400 249 344 593 7No. Partners' staffs trained 96 68 102 170 8No. of PLHIV motivated to join Yeu thuong Club 8 16 24

7 Main project partners Name of partnerTypeFieldPrivate/Public 1- Department of Foreign Affairs (DOFA) Provincial department managing external affairs CoordinationPublic/Government 2- Advancement for Community Empowerment and Partnership (ACEP) Local NGOLivelihood and social activities; Group dynamics Private 3- Department of Education and Training (DOET) Provincial department managing education and training Behavior Change in schools Peer educators Public/Government 4- Provincial Red Cross Association (RC) Humanitarian affairs Inclusion for PLHIV (Micro- credit, follow- up) Public/Government

8 Main project partners Name of partnerTypeFieldPrivate/Public 5- Provincial HIV/AIDS Prevention Center (PHPC) Health service HIV/AIDS prevention and VCT, reference and medical care Public/Government 6- Dakrong District Health Center Health service HIV/AIDS prevention and VCT Public/Government 7- Huong Hoa District Health Center Health service HIV/AIDS prevention and VCT Public/Government 8- Yeu Thuong ClubCommunity Based Organization/ Local NGO Inclusion of PLHIV and family support HIV/AIDS prevention Advocacy and lobbying Private

9 Main activities ComponentsMain activities Socioeconomic - Participatory Rural Assessment Activity - Social and Livelihood / economic activities -Technical & financial support - Group Dynamic Behavior Change Awareness Raising - Knowledge Attitude Practice and Behavior (KAPB) survey - Production of IEC tools - Training of health workers, peer educators and teachers - HIV group discussion - Events at community - Intra and extra curriculum activities VCT services - Mobile and at VCT centers - Establishment of VCT centers - Trainings for VCT team - Screening test, reference to medical care support - Counseling, prevention in VCT centers and through mobile VCT team Support to PLHIV - PLHIV meetings - Provincial PLHIV workshop -Trainings for core members and PHPC team -Activities managed by PLHIV (economic, micro-credit, social, etc.) - Innovation Day (competition) - Micro-credit and savings

10 Main achievements NoMain IndicatorsPlannedAchieved% ISOCIOECONOMIC 1No. of economic projects 410 310 73.2 2No. of beneficiaries 2,350 2,360 100.4 3No. of dynamic groups created 120 79 65.8 IIBEHAVIOR CHANGE 1No. of ethnic minority people who benefited of awareness-raising 6,000 3,758 62.6 2No. of groups in HIV discussion in villages 132 42 31.8 3No. of participants in HIV group discussion 1,200 417 34.8 4No. of events in schools 24 9 37.5 5No. of pupils who participated 3,000 2,872 95.7

11 Main achievements NoMain IndicatorsPlannedAchieved% IIIVCT 1No. of quick tests 2,000 2,180 109.0 2No. of VCT clients counseled and tested 600 1,937 322.8 3No. of villagers counseled and tested 1,400 593 42.4 IVCAPACITY BUILDING 1No. of motivations of new members to YTC 18 11 61.1 2No. of trainings for YTC 9 7 77.8 3Exchange experience with others PLHIV groups 12 6 50.0 4YTC Integrated activities 8 21 262.5

12 Main achievements Mobile VCT model of HIV prevention intervention introduced in Quang Tri province HIV group discussion with new IEC tools, such as role plays introduced for the first time in Quang Tri province With HI support, for the first time a club (Yeu Thuong Club) comprising of PLHIV to implement HIV prevention activities and carry out the voice of PLHIV (advocacy and lobbying) has been established in Quang Tri province

13 Main achievements Villagers now feel comfortable to sit together and discuss on topics of HIV and AIDS Ethnic minority communities highly appreciate getting VCT services delivered at their door steps as well as HIV group discussions among Yeu Thuong Club members at the community level Project interventions has created a greater level of awareness in the community regarding HIV and has provided for better and early detection of HIV cases through VCT centers and mobile VCT activities

14 Main obstacles OperationalFinancialHuman Resource Communication Difficult to monitor ACEP’s activities due to various reasons Budget limitation for undertaking economic activities Lack of ACEP staff in Laos ACEP Project Manager based in Hanoi and could not supervise closely project activities and cannot take quick decision even when asked by HI Frequent change of activity plan by District Health Centers makes monitoring of activities difficult for HI project officer Budget limitation for partners to monitor field activities Limitation of human resource in DHCs makes it difficult for them to respond to project’s needs Non acceptance of any communication channels, either through emails or telephone calls from government offices (as an official medium lead to delayed activities)

15 Main obstacles OperationalFinancialHuman Resource Communication Knowledge and skills of Yeu Thuong Club core members on group management are limited Limited knowledge of Yeu Thuong Club members to manage funds received from VAAC -Health of Yeu Thuong members are not stable at all times - Some of Yeu Thuong members are not active Core members of Yeu Thuong Club lack skills on working on computer and internet

16 Main lessons learnt a- Livelihood activities can generate greater participation of beneficiaries b- Community consultation is important to fix the time and date of group discussion, as people spend most of their time working in the field c- Students’ participation in HIV group discussion is possible only during holidays d- Use of local language (Van Kieu language) in HIV group discussion as well as in production of communication materials led to greater participation of community e- More participation of groups in planning will lead to greater decision making in executing project activities f- Close cooperation between HI and partners results in better understanding of project objectives and effective implementation of activities g- Establishment of good coordination between HI and partners can lead to greater success of the project

17 Main documentation produced Quarterly and annual reports; M&E plan; Project leaflet IEC tools on HIV group discussion Leaflet of condom use VCT activity: Leaflet and video (VCD) Support to Yeu thuong Club: Leaflet of Yeu thuong Club, Testimony books on Yeu thuong members, Video on PLHIV

18 Ways forward 1.With AFD, No-cost extension phase of the project from August 2011 to June 2012 in the frame of EIDHR grant. Amendment on budget and narrative to submit to EIDHR by September 2011 2.Final achievement of the project objectives 3.Action Plan 2011 - 2012: Achievements of remaining indicators 4.Capitalization work on HIV group discussion in village and Mobile VCT activity 5.Support local partners for finding and negotiating with new potential donors for sustaining and scaling-up of the project achievements 6.Negotiation with HIB in Vietnam for a possible handover when HIB enters the Federation in mid 2012

19 Thank you for your attention!

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