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ProblemFindingsManagement Response Status of Corrective Action Profit/Loss Statements Not preparing profit/loss statements Untraceable expenditure Generate.

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Presentation on theme: "ProblemFindingsManagement Response Status of Corrective Action Profit/Loss Statements Not preparing profit/loss statements Untraceable expenditure Generate."— Presentation transcript:


2 ProblemFindingsManagement Response Status of Corrective Action Profit/Loss Statements Not preparing profit/loss statements Untraceable expenditure Generate a standard profit and loss form Train all personnel Meeting conducted at the beginning and closing of the school year Signed contract for stakeholders confirming accountability Sales Tax Six instances were sales tax wasn’t paid Professional Development on using Excel for student treasurers and club advisors Have a reference card regarding sales tax laws Report expenditures to designated staff treasurer Receipts Twenty nine instances deposited late Provide original receipts to designated staff member File copy of receipt Convert original receipt to PDF file for electronic filing purposes Disbursements Sixteen instances were payments were made from a fax or copy Refer back to receipt action plan Any disbursement without original receipt needs to be approved by the building principal

3  Generate a standard profit and loss form  Train all personnel  Meeting conducted at the beginning and closing of the school year  Signed contract for stakeholders confirming accountability

4  Professional Development on using Excel for student treasurers and club advisors  Have a reference card regarding sales tax laws  Report expenditures to designated staff treasurer

5  Provide original receipts to designated staff member  File copy of receipt  Convert original receipt to PDF file for electronic filing purposes 

6  Refer back to receipt action plan  Any disbursement without original receipt needs to be approved by the building principal

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