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History-II A capsule version. Independence to Today Haiti, 1791-1804 ◦ Social Revolution/Slave revolt ◦ Failed Independence, SpanAm: 1808-1826 One failed.

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Presentation on theme: "History-II A capsule version. Independence to Today Haiti, 1791-1804 ◦ Social Revolution/Slave revolt ◦ Failed Independence, SpanAm: 1808-1826 One failed."— Presentation transcript:

1 History-II A capsule version

2 Independence to Today Haiti, 1791-1804 ◦ Social Revolution/Slave revolt ◦ Failed Independence, SpanAm: 1808-1826 One failed social revolution ◦ Mexico, 1811-1815 ◦ Led by two priests: Frs. Hidalgo and Morelos  Both killed

3 Haiti, sparked by Fr. Rev SpAm sparked by Napoleon’s invasion of Peninsula, 1808 ◦ Eventual cause of Braz independence Political Revolutions Long and violent But so was American Revo

4 Outcomes very different SpAm revs  mostly period of prolonged violent conflict and dictatorship ◦ Caudillo rule ◦ Caudillo: personalistic ruler; often charismatic; often from periphery; military

5 Why not like USA? ◦ Elite dissensus; no agreement on  Role of state; who should govern; role of Church ◦ Liberals v. Conservatives + personalism Led to ◦ Insurrections ◦ Leaders pay off followers with loot or land

6 Not everywhere Chile: establishes centralized rule early ◦ Avoids worst of caudillismo Costa Rica: ditto, but later falls into caudillismo and civil war, 1850-1870

7 Brazil: Empire, 1822-1889 ◦ Regional revolts ◦ Coroneis (plural of coronel) ◦ Slavery

8 When it stops and why ◦ Big countries, between 1849-1870 ◦ Small ones, some not until mid-20 th  Lingers in electoral form of “bossism ◦ Booty runs short; more money in taxes; more people in cities, outside of caudillos influence Impact: dramatically slows development Sets path for hyperexecutive govt

9 The good old days: 1870-1914 Export-led growth; raw materials to Europe or US ◦ Depends on location Civic oligarchy ~ protected democracies ◦ What they did ◦ With what effect Toward democracy, e.g., Argentina

10 Ends with WWI ◦ Why? ◦ What happens Some recovery in 1920s; ends with 1929 Only three countries do not see govt fall after 1930 ◦ Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia

11 1930s: economic experimentation 1940s: political experimentation ◦ 1944-45: democratic wave Democratic expansion + economic growth to 1959 Cuban Revolution  new bout coups and dictators; growth continues

12 Dictatorships continue to early 1980s Economic slide starts in 1970s ◦ Debt crisis of ’80s ◦ Lost Decade of the ‘90s Democracy starts back in 1979, continues through early ‘90s Economy starts recuperating mid ‘00s ◦ Chinese demand

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