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Let’s Play! All of these topics will be on your test tomorrow, so pay attention!

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3 Let’s Play! All of these topics will be on your test tomorrow, so pay attention!


5 Meiosis: The Steps

6 Meiosis Vocabulary

7 Random Chromosome Segregation & Probability

8 Fertilization

9 Gender Determination

10 How much DNA?

11 200 300 400 500 Meiosis: The Steps Meiosis Vocabulary Random chromosome segregation & probability Fertilization Gender determination How much DNA? 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100

12 List the steps of meiosis in order

13 1.ProphaseProphase 2.MetaphaseMetaphase 3.AnaphaseAnaphase 4.TelophaseTelophase 5.CytokinesisCytokinesis (this then repeats)

14 During which stage of meiosis does crossing over occur?

15 Prophase 1

16 How many cells are produced by the end of cytokinesis 2?

17 4

18 Homologous chromosomes are separated during this stage of meiosis

19 Anaphase 1

20 Sister chromatids are separated during this phase of meiosis.

21 Anaphase 2

22 After replication, these segments of DNA look like the letter X

23 chromosome

24 Somatic cells are 2N, which indicates two sets of chromosomes. What word means 2n?

25 diploid

26 Gametes are labeled N because they have one set of chromosomes. What word means N?

27 Haploid

28 The left and right side of a chromosome when it looks like an X are called ______

29 Sister chromatids

30 The fusion of two gametes creates a diploid cell called a ______

31 zygote

32 The chance that a gamete will have the paternal homologue of a chromosome is _____%

33 50

34 The chance that a gamete will have two paternal homologues is ___% (show your calculations)

35 ½ x ½ = ¼ ¼ = 25%

36 Set up and evaluate an expression to calculate the probability of a gamete having 5 paternal homologues

37 ½ x ½ x ½ x ½ x ½ 1/32

38 Draw all possible gametes that can be produced from the parent cell below X X X X Note: this parent cell has already undergone DNA replication


40 What is the probability of an Rh+/Rh- man producing a sperm cell with a Y chromosome and an Rh+ gene?

41 1/8

42 Fertilization occurs when a sperm cell and an ovum combine to form one cell. Sperm and ova are both _____.

43 gametes

44 The name of the cell created by the fusion of a sperm cell and an ovum is a ______.

45 zygote

46 Daily Double!

47 Not all of the cells created by females during meiosis are used during fertilization. What are these cells that are discarded and how many are made from one cell undergoing meiosis?

48 Polar bodies

49 After fertilization occurs, the zygote grows by creating more cells. What process produces these new cells?

50 meiosis

51 By mistake, an ovum has two copies of the 21 st chromosome. How many copies of the 21 st chromosome will the zygote have if the ovum is fertilized by a normal sperm?

52 3. This condition results in Down Syndrome.

53 Women have ___ copies of the X chromosome while men have __.

54 2, 1

55 What sex chromosome do ova always contain?

56 X

57 Why do sperm determine the gender of the child?

58 Sperm can contain an X or a Y chromosome, which will pair with the X chromosome in the ovum.

59 What is the probability of a couple having two boys?

60 ½ x ½ = ¼ Chance of boy 1 Chance of boy 2

61 What is the chance of a woman with A/B blood and a man with A/B blood having a boy with B/B blood?

62 1 x ½ x ½ x ½ = 1/8 Chance of X chromosome from woman Chance of y chromosome from man Chance of B chromosome from woman

63 Parent cells of meiosis have ___ copies of each chromosome. They are ____ (2N).

64 2, diploid

65 After DNA replication, chromosomes look like an X. The cell has __ times as much DNA as it started with.

66 2

67 Somatic cells have ___ times as many chromosomes as gametes.

68 2

69 If your somatic cells have 46 chromosomes, how many chromosomes do your gametes have?

70 23

71 Daily Double!

72 You discover a new species. It has gametes with 27 chromosomes. How many chromosomes do you expect to find in its somatic cells?

73 54

74 Final Jeopardy

75 Mitosis vs Meiosis

76 Name 3 key differences between mitosis and meiosis. One of your differences must be a drawing of metaphase 1 in meiosis and metaphase in mitosis.

77 Mitosis -Produces 2 somatic cells (diploid) -Daughter cells are identical Meiosis -Produces 4 gametes (haploid) -Daughter cells are different from eachother XXXXXXXX XX

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