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NHANES Health Exams Carolyn Petty-Martin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics.

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Presentation on theme: "NHANES Health Exams Carolyn Petty-Martin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 NHANES Health Exams Carolyn Petty-Martin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics

2 OP96S059

3 OP96006

4 Reception Area/Coordinator This is where every sample person begins By the time a participant reaches this point, the household interview is complete and data are accessible on computer in the MEC Each session: 10 survey participants

5 OP96S007

6 Vision Measure prevalence of visual acuity impairment Distance acuity by automated refraction Eyeglass prescription verification (Lensometer) Near vision acuity Age Range: 12+ 50+ near vision

7 OP96S011

8 Balance Measure the prevalence of balance disorders Standard Romberg Test Age Range: 40 - 69

9 OP96S008

10 Cardiovascular Fitness Evaluate cardiovascular fitness Submaximal treadmill exercise test Assess risk for cardiovascular disease due to sedentary habits and poor physical condition Age Range: 12 - 49


12 Muscular Strength Assess physical function and muscle strength Knee function, strength of knee extensor and flexor muscles (torque angle, velocity) Age Range: 50+


14 Lower Extremity Disease Measure prevalence of lower extremity peripheral vascular disease Measure prevalence of lower extremity peripheral neuropathy

15 Lower Extremity Disease Measure systolic blood pressure in arm and ankle and calculate ratio of these two pressures. Assess sensory perception using monofilament on plantar surface of foot Assess prevalence of foot abnormalities (amputations, lesions, bunions) Age Range: 40+

16 OP96S004

17 Physician Present at all times to: Counsel participants about significant findings Make referrals for serious medical problems Deal with medical emergencies Measures blood pressure and pulse Provide pretest counseling for sexually transmitted disease tests

18 Age Range: pulse measurement (2 months +) blood pressure measurement (8 + ) pretest counseling (14 - 49) Physician

19 OP96S012

20 Participants have blood samples drawn Age Range: 1+ Phlebotomy


22 Audiometry Assess the hearing status of the adult population Otoscopy – physical examination outer ear Tympanometry – assessment of compliance of eardrum Pure-tone air conduction audiometry - assess sensitivity to pure tone signals Age Range: 20 - 69

23 OP96S003

24 Dental Estimate prevalence of oral disease Visual inspection of surfaces and gums Examination for caries, periodontal disease and soft tissue lesions Assessment of flurosis and type of dental restorations

25 Dental Orofacial and other pain assessments Assessment of traumatic orofacial injuries Age Range: measurement varies with age- 3+

26 OP96S075

27 Anthropometry Collect data on obesity and overweight Monitor patterns of growth and development in children Measurements include height, weight, lengths, breadths, girths, (or circumferences) and skinfolds Age Range: all ages

28 OP96S016

29 DXA (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) BIA (bioelectrical impedance analysis) Two related components that assess body composition and are used to estimate prevalence of overweight and obesity DXA allows estimates to be made on the prevalence of osteoporosis and osteopenia

30 DXA (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) BIA (bioelectrical impedance analysis) Age Range: DXA – 8+ BIA – 8 - 49

31 Dermatology Estimate prevalence of eczematous dermatitis and psoriasis Digital photographs of the skin excluding face (back, hands, back of legs, upper underarm) Digital camera – 6 million pixels Images stored DVD Reading by Dermatologist Age Range: 20 - 59

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