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Genetic Engineering. Restriction Enzymes Cut DNA sequences at specific repeating patterns. EcoRI cuts at GAATTC which will appear at different points.

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Presentation on theme: "Genetic Engineering. Restriction Enzymes Cut DNA sequences at specific repeating patterns. EcoRI cuts at GAATTC which will appear at different points."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetic Engineering

2 Restriction Enzymes Cut DNA sequences at specific repeating patterns. EcoRI cuts at GAATTC which will appear at different points for different people.

3 Transgenic

4 Gene Therapy

5 Desired genes are inserted into viruses Organisms are then “infected” by the viruses that pass the “cure” for the genetic problem onto the host cells

6 Transgenic Organisms with foreign DNA inserted into their own genomes. DNA is cut with restriction enzymes, and fragments containing desired genes are spliced into the original DNA

7 Gel Electrophoresis After DNA is cut with restriction enzymes it will be run on a “gel” to separate the fragments by length. Longer fragments move more slowly through the gel than short ones

8 Gel Electrophoresis

9 Gels

10 DNA Fingerprinting Technique of DNA comparison developed by Alec Jeffreys in Leicester England 20 years ago. % chance of two people having identical DNA Fingerprints is 1 in 9,390,000,000, which is twice the world population

11 DNA Fragments run on a gel

12 Paternity Testing The child’s DNA fragments must be a combination of both parents. Fragments belonging to the child will be either from mom, dad, or both. No fragments should simply “appear” in the child

13 Paternity Testing

14 Disease Testing— Sickle Cell Anemia Hb A is an allele that contributes “normal” red blood cells Hb S is an allele for sickle-shaped red blood cells.

15 Crime Scene Investigation A woman and her fiancé were sleeping in their car Woman was raped, both murdered and the car stolen. The man caught with the stolen car said a friend had given him the vehicle. Both Chris Reesh and Randall Jones lacked alibis for the night of the murders.

16 Crime Scene Investigation The first case in history decided by DNA fingerprinting. Semen from the victim Was cut with a restriction Enzyme and compared to blood samples from both suspects

17 Cloning

18 The DNA from the egg-donor is thrown away The DNA from the body-cell donor is placed into the egg cell. Child will be identical to the body-cell donor.

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