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Transistors & Semiconductors. Transistor Amplifying Switch – Current to base enables current from emitter to collector – Base requires small amount of.

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Presentation on theme: "Transistors & Semiconductors. Transistor Amplifying Switch – Current to base enables current from emitter to collector – Base requires small amount of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transistors & Semiconductors

2 Transistor Amplifying Switch – Current to base enables current from emitter to collector – Base requires small amount of current relative to emitter

3 Silicon SI = Element 14 – 4 electrons in outer shell – 8 would be full

4 Silicon Silicon crystal – Stable diamond like structure – Thermal noise occasionally bumps electrons, but settle back rapidly

5 Doping Doped silicon has impurities – N type : Extra electrons Phosphorus – P type : Short an electron Boron

6 Doped Conductors Doped silicon: – Free roaming electrons or holes – Phosphorus/Boron ions

7 N + P Sandwich N&P sandwich forms neutral area : Depletion layer – Insulation against flow

8 N + P Sandwich N&P sandwich forms : Depletion layer – Electrons/holes merge – Ions present barrier to more movement

9 N + P Sandwich = Diode Current flow into N closes depletion layer Current flow into P increases depletion layer

10 Transistor = Diode Sandwich Transistor is 3 layers: – NPN or PNP Default is to insulate

11 Transistor = Diode Sandwich Positive current at base removes spare negatives – Shrink P  N depletion layer Relatively small current at base er_embedded&v=9CrcRabTQ0s# er_embedded&v=9CrcRabTQ0s#

12 MOS MOS – Metal Oxide – "Metal" conductor – Oxide insulator Charge to conductor produces conductive layer in silicon via field effect

13 MOSFET Metal Oxide Field Effect Transistor – NPN regions of silicon – Conductor used to create channel Channel requires no current!!!

14 CMOS CMOS : Complementary MOSFETS – NPN and PNP used together Always high or low signal ?v=QO5FgM7MLGg&list=FL8JW MIsIgFMX3tv2BU-K4Uw (Jump to 3:00) ?v=QO5FgM7MLGg&list=FL8JW MIsIgFMX3tv2BU-K4Uw

15 Fabrication Circuits "printed" with photo reactive chemicals light u74&list=FL8JWMIsIgFMX3tv2BU-K4Uw u74&list=FL8JWMIsIgFMX3tv2BU-K4Uw – Minute 2

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