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Ms. Lopez 1 st Grade Welcome Parents!. All About Mrs. Lopez Born and raised in Miami, FL This is my 5 th year teaching I graduated from Florida Atlantic.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Lopez 1 st Grade Welcome Parents!. All About Mrs. Lopez Born and raised in Miami, FL This is my 5 th year teaching I graduated from Florida Atlantic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Lopez 1 st Grade Welcome Parents!

2 All About Mrs. Lopez Born and raised in Miami, FL This is my 5 th year teaching I graduated from Florida Atlantic University in December, 2009 with a Bachelor’s of Science in Elementary Education with an ESOL endorsement I am currently working on a Masters in Curriculum & Instruction I have an immense passion for teaching

3 Class Subjects  The subjects we cover during 1 st grade are:  Math  Science  Language Arts/ Writing  Social studies  Reading

4 Class Schedule  Every day the students receive instruction in Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies Specials:  Tuesdays: Music  Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays: Spanish (Ms. Viera)  Monday - Friday: P.E. (Coach Arias & Coach Figuerola)

5 Behavior Chart  Outstanding, Great Job, & Good Job: A (Excellent)  Ready to Learn: B (Good)  Think About It: C (Can do better)  Slow Down : D (Warning)  Parent Contact: F (Call home/ parent conference)

6 Classroom Community  Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other.  Our class rules are:  Don’t stand up without permission  Raise your hand to speak  Respect others  Listen carefully at all times  Always follow directions  Keep your hands to yourself  Always try your best

7 A 90-100% Outstanding progress B 80-89% Above average progress C 70-79% Average progress D 60-69% Lowest acceptable progress F 0-59% Failure Z 0% Incomplete If your child receives a grade lower than a C in any test/assignment it will be photocopied and sent home for you to sign and review with your child.

8 Homework Folder (Red Folder) Left Side: Parent Communication  Notices/ Letters to parents  Papers to keep at home Right Side: Homework  Homework packet:  Please tear out Math & Reading practice book pages and attach it to the homework packet

9 Homework Policy  Homework is given Monday-Friday  Students are responsible for taking home their homework packets.  Students will ALWAYS have Spelling, Reading, Sight Words and Math homework. Science and Social Studies is occasional.  Students must complete homework EVERY night independently.  Homework is to be turned in the following Monday.

10 Tardiness and Attendance  School starts at 8:15 a.m.  If students aren’t in the classroom by the time the announcements start, please check in at the school office before coming to class.  If students are tardy 10 times, they will receive a referral.  It is VERY important that your child come to school everyday.  If your child is absent, you need to bring or send a note from home or a doctor.  After 5 unexcused absences, students will receive a referral.

11 Parent Volunteer Hours Parents need to complete 30 hours per family $1 = 1 hour Useful items include: Gift cards (Barnes & Noble, Borders, ACE Educational Store, Get Smart, etc) Books for classroom Copy paper Other items on wish list *PLEASE INCLUDE RECEIPTS AND NAMES*

12 Parent Involvement  Parent Involvement = Student Success  Support / Aide  Show interest in child’s learning  Visit your nearest public library frequently

13 Study! Study! Study! The last day of the week is test day. Students will receive a study guide each week with all topics covered throughout the week Students are responsible for studying their spelling words, sight words/ high frequency words, vocabulary words and other topics given in their study guides

14 My Goals  To provide my students with the academic and social skills needed to progress to 2 nd grade.  To provide my students with strategies to score well on the SAT reading test and future FCAT writing and reading test  READ, READ, READ!!

15 Classroom Tips  Our classroom is really cold, make sure to send your child to school with their green sweater.  Don’t send your child to school with toys, bracelets, watches, lead pencils, etc. Anything is a distraction!

16 How to contact me:  Call me at (305) 698-9900. The staff in the office will write your name and number down and I will return your call by the end of the day or following morning.  Send a note in your child’s homework folder.  E-mail me at  Please check my website nightly for updates and resources 

17 Things to Remember:  Projects are for the student not the parent  Make sure to initial home learning log daily  Write the student’s name if you need your child’s portal pin (same as kinder)  Make sure to go back to the PARENT portal and REDO your volunteer status

18 Parent, Teacher Recipe As sugar and flour come together to make A wonderful cookie creation that you bake, Parents and teachers join as one To create an educated daughter or son…

19 A Parent’s Influence “The child's first and most influential teacher is the parent. A child's ideas about education and its significance begin with the parent. Improving the effectiveness of the home as a learning environment is critical to promoting long-term school success.”

20 Parents, Please Turn In… Open House Parent Survey Sign Parent Sign in Sheets

21 Let’s Have a Great Year!

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