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Science – Unit 2 Unit 2 – Energy Week 2 November 15-19, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Science – Unit 2 Unit 2 – Energy Week 2 November 15-19, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science – Unit 2 Unit 2 – Energy Week 2 November 15-19, 2010

2 How high or low a sound is. pitch

3 To quickly move back and forth. vibration

4 The loudness or softness of a sound. volume

5 A sound bouncing back from an object. echo

6 To take in. absorption

7 To bounce back. reflection

8 If an object vibrates slowly, it will make a __________ sound. low

9 Sound travels through __________. matter

10 Which of the following sounds could cause possible eardrum damage? Singing birds Jet plane taking off Window air conditioner jet plane taking off

11 Sound waves travel slowest through which form of matter? Solid Liquid Mud Gas gas

12 Sound is another kind of __________. energy

13 Sound waves travel fastest through which form of matter? Solid Liquid Gas Balloons solid

14 Which sound takes more energy to produce? Soft Sound Happy Sound Sad Sound Loud Sound loud sound

15 Which is not a way that sounds help wild animals stay alive? To keep warm To find food To warn one another of danger to keep warm

16 Which of the following loud sounds can keep you safe? Jackhammer Loud music Siren on an ambulance Birds singing siren on an ambulance

17 Dark-colored or dull objects absorb a lot of light which causes these objects to become __________. warmer

18 Name two animals that use echoes to find food. bats and dolphins

19 If you were going for a walk in the desert, would you rather wear black or white clothing? Why? White because it reflects light.

20 The ability to cause change. Energy

21 Heat that is produced in an engine but is not used for any purpose. waste heat

22 Electricity moves from a battery through wires to a bulb, and then back to the battery in a __________. circuit

23 When a bell makes the air __________, sound is produced. vibrate

24 The energy of motion. kinetic energy

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