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WorldSpace Foundation (WSF) - Supporting a network of 300 African community broadcasters, rural community information centers and other civil society organizations.

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Presentation on theme: "WorldSpace Foundation (WSF) - Supporting a network of 300 African community broadcasters, rural community information centers and other civil society organizations."— Presentation transcript:

1 WorldSpace Foundation (WSF) - Supporting a network of 300 African community broadcasters, rural community information centers and other civil society organizations with information ranging from HIV/AIDS prevention to food security to child and youth development - Training a new generation of IT-savvy grassroots information proponents - Giving voice to people who have been previously unheard “We as communities like hearing our own voices.” Noah Lusaka Arid Lands Information Network Kenya - Reaching more than 55 million people in Africa with vital, relevant information

2 Mission To improve the lives of people in the developing world who are disadvantaged by poverty. We bypass illiteracy, geographical isolation and inadequate infrastructure to bring vital programs to information-starved communities through our award-winning digital broadcast and multimedia services.

3 WorldSpace Foundation - Information and Knowledge - Assembles information and knowledge produced by local civil society organizations - Distributes the information to people in rural, isolated and other hard-to-reach regions of Africa, the Middle East and Asia - Has 300 partners throughout Africa who provide local content, organize listening groups and rebroadcast WSF programs

4 Audio Service Material collected from groups in Africa Digitized and post-produced in Washington DC studio Sent via Internet, mail or dropped off at WSF office during visits AfriStar™ Satellite TFLS Hub Uplink in Johannesburg, South Africa Server School, University or NGO Community Broadcaster Coordinated Listening Group CD and Internet Audio signal direct from satellite to receiver

5 Africa Learning Channel - Award-winning collective channel of “first voice” radio programs - A forum for Africans to share ideas, best practices, success stories and solutions to common problems - Reaches an estimated audience of 55.5 million people with information on HIV/AIDS, child and youth development, food security, microenterprise and other vital topics Production costs: ~$300,000 annually, raised by WSF from private foundations, corporations, individuals, multilateral agencies and other donors Cost to WSF’s partners (NGO, community broadcaster, information center, etc.): on average $150 for a receiver (includes technical support) Cost to the listener: $0

6 One Receiver Reaching Many Ears - Based on Africa’s rich oral traditions - Promotes group listening and learning - Relies on WSF’s extensive network of local NGO and community broadcasting partners - Sustainable and effective strategy for receiver placement to achieve maximum impact Above: A listening group in a village outside the city of St. Louis in Senegal discussing HIV/AIDS prevention Right: A group leader in Kisumu, Kenya preparing for a listening session of an ALC AIDS program

7 - Combine the use of WSF’s satellite radio and multimedia capabilities - Integrate WorldSpace technology with terrestrial (AM/FM) radio - Multiply impact of WSF programming through rebroadcasts of radio programs from the Africa Learning Channel and Canal EF Rural Community Information Centers Radio broadcaster in the Bankilare Community Information Center (CIC) in Niger. The center downloads health, agriculture, cultural and microenterprise development programming from the Africa Learning Channel and Canal EF for rebroadcast. The CIC often translates the programs into the local language before rebroadcasting them.

8 Rural Radio Network of Niger Receiver antenna in a protective box over community information center in rural Niger The center houses a radio station and uses WSF’s audio and multimedia service as its primary source of relevant news and social development information. Centers like this are being established by communities throughout Niger with support from the government, UNDP and several other agencies.

9 Beyond Breaking the Silence Launch of community outreach campaign in Ntungamo District in Uganda, a program site for the WSF-Africare HIV/AIDS Initiative “The beneficiaries identify themselves positively with the program. …When you ask them what WorldSpace (Foundation) is, you will be impressed with how they relate it with information on HIV/AIDS.” Milton Waiswa, Ugandan government official

10 WorldSpace Foundation - Capacity Building - Supports networks of organizations by facilitating information exchange - Enhances capacity building with training, technical support and resource development - Grassroots Focus - Partners with local leadership in design, implementation and evaluation of all projects - Enables people to enrich and empower their everyday lives

11 Data edited and formatted for uplink by partner organization Data collected from groups in Africa WS Scheduler in DC TFLS Hub Uplink in Johannesburg, South Africa Internet AfriStar™ Satellite Satellite Radio Receiver Via Digital Data Adapters School, University or Library Community Center Health Clinic Server Internet WSF Multi-Media Service

12 Cost-effective and reliable mechanism for the delivery of web-based multimedia data Reaches target audiences in regions where Internet access is unavailable, unreliable or prohibitively expensive Bridges the gap between advances in ICTs and infrastructure that cannot adequately support new technologies WSF charges a service fee to organizations that use its multimedia service to transmit information. Recent fees have ranged from $11,000 to $15,000 annually and are determined on a case-by-case basis. The one-time cost to the end-user, i.e., a local NGO or health clinic, is on average $200 for a receiver and multimedia adapter.

13 Information on the Multimedia Service - Climate: charts, statistics, dynamic satellite imagery required for the development of early warning systems, reliable forecasts and crop cycles in Africa and Asia to help mitigate natural disasters, prevent drought and famine - Community development: best practices, training manuals and success stories of development projects in the arid lands of Eastern Africa and the Horn to help communities in the region stabilize their food supplies and engage in sustainable income-generation activities - Public health: relevant medical articles, diagnostic aids and treatment guidelines, radio scripts to aid in the prevention and management of epidemics and other public health challenges Other materials on the service include: - Agriculture and environment information - Regional humanitarian, political and economic news - ICT training manuals

14 Other Beneficiaries of WSF Programs UNICEF-OLS workers download teacher training and classroom support material from the multimedia service at a community center in Yambio, Southern Sudan. Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN) field worker receives training manuals and best practices for effective community development A woman in Eldoret in Kenya’s Rift Valley region waters her mini container garden she grew as a result of being trained by ALIN community development workers

15 Global Reach The WorldSpace satellite network consists of three geo-stationary satellites: AfriStar™ AsiaStar™, and AmeriStar™. AfriStar and AsiaStar were successfully launched October, 1998 and March, 2000 respectively. Each satellite broadcasts on three beams with a coverage of about 14 million square kilometers per beam. Ultimately, this unique global network will transmit quality information, education and entertainment programming to a coverage area that includes more than 4.6 billion people. AmeriStar AfriStar AsiaStar

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