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(Left to Right) Matt Finn Brian Crone Samuel Oshin Yonatan Feleke.

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Presentation on theme: "(Left to Right) Matt Finn Brian Crone Samuel Oshin Yonatan Feleke."— Presentation transcript:

1 (Left to Right) Matt Finn Brian Crone Samuel Oshin Yonatan Feleke

2  Future Cash Register The future cash register is a point of sale box designed to make wireless transactions through the use of Near Field Communications protocol. It will accept payments and send receipts through NFC. It will also aide the cashier with orders through voice recognition.

3  Ability to customize the inventory via the user interface (Atom)  Ability to communicate with an NFC device (dSPIC30)  Ability to interface with an IR sensor to detect the presence of a user (dSPIC30)  Ability to display prompts to user through LCD (dSPIC30)  Ability to aid cashier by highlighting menu choices while placing order with voice recognition (Atom)


5  Project components AES encryption Serial Comm Circuitry NFC mobile payment IR customer recognition

6  “NIST hereby gives public notice that it may seek redress under the antitrust laws of the United States against any party in the future who might seek to exercise patent rights against any user of AES that have not been disclosed to NIST in response to this request for information.”  No patent liability here

7  No Literal infringements  Doctrine of Equivalents US20090271276 Qualcomm Application  NFC transmitted credit card information: Name, Exp Date…  Encrypted, stored and transmitted 20090144161 Blaze Mobile previously Mobile Candy  An Online payment transaction through a point of sale device  Method and system for payer-centric payment using mobile terminal

8  No Patent Infringement US20110053504 Alexandre Corda  Deals with triggering an interrupt on external reads of points of service terminals  Not infringing as the chip was purchased and this is a built in capability US20100023449 First Data  A method for processing a transaction with a mobile device upon request of payment  Inferred infringement possible US20080051059  Requires a secondary channel  Hand shaking accomplished by first NFC communication US8068011  Peer to peer payment system over NFC Protocol

9  US7860939 Serial communication system Michihiro Fujiyama  US20090150578? COM port Manager Nader Newman, Anatoly Khazin at Psion Teklogix Inc.  Project Purchased Max3232 Purchased DSBU9 No patent liabilities  Implemented by purchased products  Did not recreate protocol or ports

10  IR components are safe Purchased part GP2Y0A02YK0F 150 cm distance detection  US20100274524 Motorolla distance detector detecting distance data between the data acquisition device and an object to which data is to be acquired; Cause for doctrine of equivalents  Other environment data collection Data collection of movement pattern Virtual mapping of environment


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