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Ch 15 Sec 1 -FDR and the New Deal Relief, Recovery and Reform.

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2 Ch 15 Sec 1 -FDR and the New Deal Relief, Recovery and Reform

3 Election Of 1932 FDR (D) vs. Hoover (R)


5 Essential Questions: What did FDR mean when he offered Americans a “New Deal’? Why was the election of 1932 a turning point in American politics?

6 FDR Facts Born in 1882 Went to Harvard Lawyer NY State Senate Assistant Sec. of the Navy during WWI

7 FDR Facts II Married Eleanor Roosevelt Ran for VP in 1920 Contracted polio in 1921 Governor of NY 1929-1932 Willing to experiment with government roles

8 Eleanor Roosevelt Niece of TR Married FDR in 1905, 6 children Social Worker Fought for public housing, gov. reform, birth control, and better conditions for women



11 Election of 1932 * Hoover -Minimal Gov. Action -Strict view of Gov. -Less Gov. the better

12 Election of 1932 FDR -Willing to experiment with the role of Gov. -Supported broadening the role of Gov.




16 FDR “Can do” attitude Confident and Friendly Compassionate Inaugural Address 1933 “ …the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”


18 Advisors to FDR “The Brain Trust” –Raymond Moley (Columbia) –Rexford Tugwell (Columbia) –Felix Frankfurter (Harvard)

19 FDR’s Cabinet Sec. of the Interior – Harold L. Ickes Sec. of Agriculture – Henry A. Wallace Sec. of the Treasury – Henry Morgenthau Sec. of Labor- F. Perkins


21 Essential Questions: What initial steps did FDR take to reform banking and finance? What were some New Deal Programs? Who were the critics of FDR’s New Deal?

22 The Hundred Days 3/9/33 to 6/16/33 Congress passed more than 15 pieces of legislation Significantly expanded the role of the Federal Gov. in the economy.

23 Banking Reform March 5 th all banks closed by FDR Emergency Banking Act – Healthy banks to reopen, management of failed banks. Increased Gov. regulatory power over money and banking

24 Banking Reform Part II First “Fireside Chat” March 1933 Glass-Steagall Act 1933- Established the FDIC Federal Securities Act 1933- Established the SEC to regulate the stock market


26 Prohibition Repealed FDR pushed Congress to allow the sale and manufacture of beer and wine. Effort to raise gov. revenues through taxes 21 st Amend. (End of 1933)


28 Rural Assistance The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)- Gov. paid farmers to limit production. $200 million to plow under 10 million acres. 6 million pigs slaughtered. $ for farmers and prices raised farm prices

29 Work Projects CCC – Civilian Conservation Corp Employed 3 million men Paid $25 - $30 a month Men lived in work camps Planted 200 million trees, 800 state parks, and 46,000 bridges




33 More Work Projects National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) Provided money to states to create jobs in construction of schools and community buildings. Created the (PWA)

34 Work Projects III Civilian Works Administration (CWA) established in Nov. 1933 4 million jobs Built 40,000 schools 500,000 miles of road

35 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) 1933 – Federal Agency to construct dams and power plants along the TN river. *Electricity, Flood Control, Recreation



38 Recovery in Business NIRA wanted to promote industrial growth NIRA established codes of fair practice for employers, employees, and consumers. Nat. Recovery Adm. (NRA)

39 National Recovery Administration (NRA) Set Prices and established standards Codes limited production Workers could unionize and bargain collectively



42 NIRA Unconstitutional!! In 1935 the Supreme Court ruled the NIRA Unconstitutional They claimed it gave the Pres. too much power Fed. Gov. was involved in state commerce

43 Recovery In Housing Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC)- Provided gov. loans to those facing forclosure. National Housing Act 1934 – created the Federal Housing Administration to give loans for mortgages and repairs.

44 Providing Relief Federal Emergency Relief Adm. (FERA) was funded with $500 million for direct relief. Half given to the states for food and clothing

45 Providing Relief II- FERA Helped unemployed, aging, and the ill. $ was given to states to support work relief programs.

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