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Homework 2013 – 2014 UNIT 4 English I. HOMEWORK Each Week USE YOUR GLENCOE TEXT! (Assigned on Monday DUE on Thursday of the same week)  Bio – Summary.

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Presentation on theme: "Homework 2013 – 2014 UNIT 4 English I. HOMEWORK Each Week USE YOUR GLENCOE TEXT! (Assigned on Monday DUE on Thursday of the same week)  Bio – Summary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework 2013 – 2014 UNIT 4 English I

2 HOMEWORK Each Week USE YOUR GLENCOE TEXT! (Assigned on Monday DUE on Thursday of the same week)  Bio – Summary Sentences  Preview – Vocabulary /Literary Elements  List the characters /Describe the setting  Constructed Response Essay  NEED HELP – Come by Wed. For help:  7:30 - 8: 25 AM  3:35 – 4:30 PM

3 English I – A Literary Survey Beasley Unit 4– Drama Homework 4.1– Chekov The Bear pages 758 - 770 4.2- Fletcher The Hitchhiker pages 773 - 786 4.3 - Ionesco The Leader pages 789 - 797 4.4 - Lagerkvist The Princess and All the Kingdom pages 752 – 753 4.5 – A Long-Overdue Encore Pages 744 -747 4.6 – an original 2 stanza poem about one of the previous homework assignments.

4 Homework 4.1 Biography on Page 758 (25 pts) Read the Bio on page 758. On a sheet of paper, reduce each paragraph to one sentence which states the main idea of that paragraph. USE YOUR OWN WORDS; this is VERY IMPORTANT WORK. Preview on page 759 (15 pts) Read all of page 759. Write a sentence with each of the vocabulary words and the literary element on this page. Pages 758 -770 Page 759 Mourn Logic Pretentious Monopoly Farce Chekhov Read Carefully : … Chekov’s The Bear pages 758 - 770 Characters /Setting (20 pts) List the characters and describe the setting of this play Constructed Response (40 pts) In a constructed paragraph, write about one of the characters. (At least 4 sentences)

5 Homework 4.2 Biography on page 773 (25 pts) Read the Bio on page 773. On a sheet of paper, reduce each paragraph to one sentence which states the main idea of that paragraph. USE YOUR OWN WORDS; this is VERY IMPORTANT WORK. Preview on page 774 (15 pts) Read all of page 774. Write a sentence with each of the vocabulary words and the literary element on this page. Pages 773 - 786 Ominous Beckoning Arid Prostrated idiom Fletcher Read Carefully : … Fletcher’s The Hitchhiker pages 773 - 786 Characters /Setting (20 pts) List the characters and describe the setting of the play. Constructed Response (40 pts) In a constructed paragraph, write about one of the characters. (At least 4 sentences)

6 Homework 4.3 Biography on page 789 (25 pts) Read the Bio on page 789. On a sheet of paper, reduce each paragraph to one sentence which states the main idea of that paragraph. USE YOUR OWN WORDS; this is VERY IMPORTANT WORK. Preview on Page 790 (15 pts) Read all of page 790. Write a sentence with each of the vocabulary words and the literary element on this page. Pages 789 - 797 1.Riveted 2.Itinerary 3.Exalted 4.Vanquished 5.Apparition 6.Stage Directions Ionesco Read Carefully : Ionesco The Leader pages 789 - 797 Characters /Setting (20 pts) List the characters and describe the setting of this play. Constructed Response (40 pts) In a constructed paragraph, write about one of the characters. (At least 4 sentences)

7 Homework 4.4 Pages 752-753 Lagerkvist Read Carefully : Lagerkvist’s The Princess and All the Kingdom pages 752 – 753 Characters /Setting (40 pts) List the characters and describe the setting of this story. Create a Play(60 pts) Turn the story into a play -

8 Homework 4.5 Pages 744-747 Time Life Magazine Read Carefully : … – A Long-Overdue Encore Pages 744 -747 Please answer all of the questions on page 747.

9 Homework 4.6 4.1– Chekov The Bear pages 758 - 770 4.2- Fletcher The Hitchhiker pages 773 - 786 4.3 - Ionesco The Leader pages 789 - 797 4.4 - Lagerkvist The Princess and All the Kingdom pages 752 – 753 4.5 – A Long-Overdue Encore Pages 744 -747 Write an original 2 stanza poem about one of the previous homework assignments.

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