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Management System of Event Processing and Data Files Based on XML Software Tools at Belle Ichiro Adachi, Nobu Katayama, Masahiko Yokoyama IPNS, KEK, Tsukuba,

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Presentation on theme: "Management System of Event Processing and Data Files Based on XML Software Tools at Belle Ichiro Adachi, Nobu Katayama, Masahiko Yokoyama IPNS, KEK, Tsukuba,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Management System of Event Processing and Data Files Based on XML Software Tools at Belle Ichiro Adachi, Nobu Katayama, Masahiko Yokoyama IPNS, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan Yutaka Ueshima, Yukimasa Matsuda, Takashi Okamoto Quatre-i Science Ltd., Kyoto, Japan Belle Experiment at KEKB Accelerator B-factory experiment at KEK, where 8 GeV electrons collide with 3.5 GeV positrons, to explore frontier in flavor physics with millions of B-meson pairs KEKB accelerator: world’s highest e + e - collider providing 1.6x10 34 /cm 2 /sec luminosity More than 700/fb of data has been accumulated since 1999 Luminosity Records peak luminosity: 1.71x10 34 /cm 2 /sec Integrated luminosities daily: 1.23/fb 8 hour:0.43/fb further improvement expected due to installation of crab cavities Belle Event Processing and File Management Rawdata Physics event skims mu-pair Bhabha Real-time processing DST data hadronic Reprocessing Calibration constant making Physics analysis files file registration into user analysis list archive for backup appropriate distribution for user analysis detector experts’ analysis data quality monitoring Most of steps in event processing have been automated, however human intervention is still necessary in some parts. More than 1 million data files are difficult to manage in a consistent way. need a systematic procedure for checking/monitoring in each step as well as stable management for data files Introduce RCM system tools RCM ( R&D Chain Management ) System Software Automated repetition of event processing procedure Capability of automatic retrieval of error High traceability of each step Keep history in database Clear visualization of processing status using Web access control log-database Web access XML viewer CLI template 1-st layer 2-nd layer 3-rd layer REST SSHSCP XML-USER INTERFACE User PC Internet 、 LAN,etc Web server File server Analyze server Sensor devices Visualize server DB sever XML DATABASE Super computer Control server XML-CONTROL Concept of RCM system server configuration work-flow configuration automation of repetitive work login window in a browser Flexible shared level Public Private Group workflow log DB request RCM-DB Design free database annotation Analysis flow is defined as a set of “workflow templates” written in XML In each workflow template, check point can be provided as users’ request Each check point ensures correct stream in the flow XML user interface Multi-functional viewer provides automatic display of text, thumbnail and download link interpreting query result written in XML List of templates Edit window of templateGUI window of template XML workflow templates automate complex data search, analysis, registration in XML-DB. which are shared and easily edited DST processing including output data management was described as 27 steps and each step was defined in one XML template data file servers database server HSM archive server Data file quality If fail, copy back from HSM archive server Data database update MD5 checksum RAID disk server issue copy back from HSM database server data location stored in DB updated in a consistent way Processed data files are also managed by RCM MD5 checksum is always done and result is kept when output files is produced In case of disk trouble, files are automatically examined, and if corrupted, automatic recovery is issued from RCM Intelligent Belle Processing & Data File Management System Based on RCM Produced data consistency check DST job error analysis DST job completion set of 27 templates test answer query answer In each template, one can communicate with a database server as well as any scripts to perform as one step in a RCM template Necessary checking as well as monitoring can be made automatically Processing error, if happens, can be notified via email to managers Recovery process can be also made by RCM if defined beforehand Event processing File management Abstract number : 282 2006-2007 Quatre-i Science. Ltd. All rights reserved ref:

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