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Overview of the Texas Teacher and Principal Evaluation Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of the Texas Teacher and Principal Evaluation Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of the Texas Teacher and Principal Evaluation Systems

2 Standards PreparationRecruitment Hiring and Induction Evaluation and Professional Development Rewards and Retention Supporting Effective Principals and Teachers on Every Campus

3 Three Keys of Evaluation Formative and Timely Ongoing Relationships

4 Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 ◦ Selection of 65 volunteer pilot districts ◦ Working with teacher and principal steering committees – standards, rubric and system ◦ Finalize guidelines for pilot evaluation systems Summer 2014 ◦ Conduct trainings with pilot districts New Evaluations Systems

5 Fall 2014 ◦ Rollout of new evaluation systems in pilot districts ◦ Begin redesign of ILD Spring through Summer 2015 ◦ Revisions to evaluation systems based on pilot feedback and validity studies Spring 2015 ◦ Begin train-the-trainer sessions New Evaluations Systems

6 Summer 2015 ◦ Refinement year trainings on new evaluation system (approximately 200 districts total) ◦ Replace old ILD with redesigned ILD 2015-2016 ◦ Refinement year 2016-2017 ◦ Statewide Rollout New Evaluations Systems

7 Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System Rubric Self Assessment and Goal-Setting Process Student Growth  Value-add scores  Portfolios  Student Learning Objectives  District Pre and Post tests


9 Student Growth Student Learning Objectives Portfolios District pre- and post-tests Value-add measure Student growth data, like observation feedback, is for the purposes of making more informed professional development decisions.

10 Matrix Approach Student Growth Results (20%) Observation and Self-Assessment Results (80%) DistinguishedAccomplishedProficientDeveloping Improvement Needed Well Above Expectations DistinguishedAccomplishedProficientProficient*Developing * Above Expectations DistinguishedAccomplishedProficientDevelopingDeveloping * At ExpectationsDistinguishedAccomplishedProficientDeveloping Improvement Needed Below Expectations Accomplished*AccomplishedProficientDeveloping Improvement Needed Well Below Expectations Accomplished*Proficient*ProficientDeveloping Improvement Needed

11 Principal Evaluation and Support System Rubric Goal-Setting and Progress Student Growth ◦ Campus-level value-add scores ◦ Other measures to be determined Student Growth increases with tenure in an assignment.

12 Objectives of the New Systems Continual improvement of practice Provide clear, useful and timely feedback that informs professional development Meaningfully differentiate performance Use multiple valid measures Evaluate teachers and principals on a regular basis Place personnel in the best position to succeed

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