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April, 2014 1. o o Who is up front? o o Why am I here? o o Why are you here? o o What will we accomplish together? 2.

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Presentation on theme: "April, 2014 1. o o Who is up front? o o Why am I here? o o Why are you here? o o What will we accomplish together? 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 April, 2014 1

2 o o Who is up front? o o Why am I here? o o Why are you here? o o What will we accomplish together? 2

3 Importance … The ultimate throttle on growth for any great [organization] is not markets, or technology, or competition, or [services]. …one thing above all others is the ability to get and keep the right people. Jim Collins, “Good to Great” 3

4 Challenges … Availability of qualified candidates Time-frame to complete the process Converging factors 4

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8 8

9 The place, importance and prominence of … The Non-Negotiable 9

10 Non Negotiable Element The Salvation Army’s Mission Statement To Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and To Meet Human Need in His Name Without Discrimination 10

11 Non Negotiable Element Community Relations and Development Purpose Statement To Raise Visibility, Volunteers and Monies to Enable the Ministry of The Salvation Army in … 11

12 Creating the Position Description o What is important to your success? o How does this Position “fit” with the Team? o What do you need to have done? o What is being done now? o Are your expectations clearly defined? o How will you define success? o How will the employee know when they are successful? 12

13 13

14 Where do we look? … What are the channels to consider? Print Internet Social Media Ad copy 14

15 15

16 Determine which assessment[s] to use … o o Fundamental – Level 1 o o Integrated – Level 2 o o Comprehensive – Level 3 16

17 17

18 What is the process? … o o Resumes and Applications handled through Carr Assessments o o Chemistry Interview o o Face vs Phone o o Looking for a “fit” with Position - Team - Donors/Volunteers Salvation Army Officers and Culture 18

19 Interviews o o Pre-Interview Assignments o o Interview Scenarios o o Thinking Skills o o Reaction and Interaction Skills o o Communication Skills o o “Know What I Don’t Know” Skills o o Aplomb or A Bomb 19

20 o o Who is in the Room? o o Same Initial Questions for All Candidates o o Pursue – Probe o o Scenarios and Writing Assignments? o o Let them talk o o Decision o o Pray o o Complete Selection Criteria for each Candidate o o Review and Discuss o o Pray some more 20

21 Interview Questions Based on The Position Description and Selection Criteria o o Review the Assessment Reports o o Same Initial Questions for all Candidates o o Pursue the Obvious and the Obscure 21

22 Interview Questions Based on The Position Description and Selection Criteria o o Due Diligence on Candidates – Connections and References Online/Social Media o o Make sure their application and resume match o o Room Setting o o Who is in the Room for the Interview? 22

23 Please explain for me/us your understanding of the Mission of The Salvation Army. [Criteria 1-- Look for clarity of and personal empathy with our Mission. If it’s not there, go through the Mission Statement clearly with the candidate. There can be no misunderstanding or lack of connection here!] Please explain for me/us your philosophy of fund-development. [Criteria 2 -- If the comments do not include a Spiritual component and the ministry aspect of the position, add …] How does that square with what you understand to be the ministry of major gifts and Biblical imperatives? 23

24 Review resume and cover letter Review “chemistry” interview Review assessment results Review personal interview results … all against the Criteria Sheet and your understanding of the opportunity 24

25 HIRING THE BEST A View From the Top 25

26 26

27 What I try to determine : 1.) What a Director thinks about 2.) How a Director thinks: o Forward Thinking o Critical Thinking o Comprehensive Thinking o Analytical Thinking o Emotional Thinking o Spiritual Thinking 27

28 What I try to determine 3.) How the Development Director spends his/her time 4.) Who the Development Director spends the time with 28

29 What I look for in a Director o Makes no small plans – thinks big o Is willing to do what he/she fears o Is willing to prepare o Is willing to fail o Is teachable o Has heart o Is other-centered 29

30 As a leader, I ask myself: Do the candidates understand and appreciate the “3 Cs”? o o ACCELERATED CHANGE o o OVERWHELMING COMPLEXITY o o RELENTLESS COMPETITION 30

31 When all is said and done… as a leader, I expect … o GOOD INFORMATION o GOOD THINKING o GOOD REPORTS / FEEDBACK o GOOD RESULTS 31

32 What is the process? … In-person Interviews Looking for a “fit” with Position – Team - Donors/Volunteers Salvation Army Officers and Culture 32

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34 Before making the offer … o o Reference checks o o Background checks o o Credit checks o o AAA requirements o o Notification of non-successful candidates 34

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36 Be prepared … o o Insure the physical things are in place o Desk, chair and other equipment o Computer o Lotus Notes log in o Etc. 36

37 Be prepared … o o Have a formal initial plan prepared to include: Introduction to all staff, not just the department A tour of building and all TSA programs Interviews with supervisor, peer and support staff Review of all pertinent reports 37

38 Questions,Discussion & Final Review 38

39 Resources … Topgrading – how to hire, coach and keep “A” players Brad and Geoff Smart – Pritchett Good to Great Jim Collins – William Collins 96 Great Interview Questions to ask before you hire Paul Falcone – American Management Association 39

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