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Joint Action Group for Operational Community Modeling (JAG/OCM) Update Spring 2015 COPC Meeting (NCEP, College Park, MD) May 27-28, 2015 Lamar Russell.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint Action Group for Operational Community Modeling (JAG/OCM) Update Spring 2015 COPC Meeting (NCEP, College Park, MD) May 27-28, 2015 Lamar Russell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint Action Group for Operational Community Modeling (JAG/OCM) Update Spring 2015 COPC Meeting (NCEP, College Park, MD) May 27-28, 2015 Lamar Russell WG-CSAB Chair

2 2 JAG/OCM Deactivation COPC Action Item 2014-2.4: COPC Technical Directors will develop a new Terms of Reference for the JAG/OCM and assign the members and chair. At the fall COPC in Nov 2014 the recommendation by the OCM and CSAB was not exactly accepted. Recommendation: Deactivate JAG/OCM until such time that we have important, mutual operational modeling issues that are not adequately addressed by participation in other groups. COPC should be able to answer the question: “What problem are we trying to solve with the work of the JAG/OCM?” The Exe Sec polled the COPC members about the next step. Try hard to organize a telcon with the TDs before the May 27-28 COPC. Or, do nothing before COPC and set an agenda item to revisit the topic. Or, fall back to the previous recommendation. 557 WW, NAVO, and FNMOC all concurred to deactivate the JAG/OCM. Pending NCEP approval, CSAB recommends closing this action and deactivating the JAG/OCM. 2

3 3 Questions / Discussion 3

4 4 Backup Slides 4

5 5 JAG/OCM Membership FNMOC - Mark Swenson (Chair) 557WW - Evan Kuchera FNMOC - Chuck Skupniewicz NAVO – Christopher Dehaan NOAA/NCEP - Hendrik Tolman; Glenn White NRL/MRY - Vacant NRL/SSC - Gregg Jacobs CNMOC - Kevin LaCroix OFCM - Ken Barnett *New to the group

6 6 Articulate OCM role within COPC COPC Action Item 2014-1.3: JAG/OCM shall coordinate a face to face meeting to articulate OCM’s particular role within the COPC infrastructure where the group can add value. Update the Terms of Reference (TOR) and present the outcomes at the next COPC Meeting. During a meeting of the CSAB, we agreed that we should conduct a telcon to establish interest in and a purpose to the proposed face to face (F2F) meeting of the OCM. The telcon revealed that interest in the JAG/OCM is very low among the representatives of the principle organizations. Most issues are bilateral. “I usually go directly to the POC at the relevant organization…I don’t see the need for this JAG unless COPC lays out a vision for what they want beyond these ad hoc interactions….” Operational modeling issues are already adequately addressed in other groups like ESPC, NUOPC, Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project, etc. “Why do we have so many groups that do the same thing?” --- “We are adequately represented on the other committees.”

7 Articulate OCM role within COPC Recommendation Deactivate JAG/OCM until such time that we have important, mutual operational modeling issues that are not adequately addressed by participation in other groups. COPC should be able to answer the question: “What problem are we trying to solve with the work of the JAG/OCM?” 7

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