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R e wired Classroom Management. -g -g.

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1 R e wired Classroom Management

2 -g -g

3 Key Chapter Points Author Larry Rosen discusses the importance of “rewiring” our traditional classroom management to foster a modern learning environment for the “iGeneration”. Who are they? How can we adapt our lesson plans to their multitasking habits? He covers topics such as the effect of the wireless mobile devices on homework, and study habits. The fast paced media literacy amoung 21 st century kids. He asks the important question: How to tap into the very creative generation of students? He touches upon The educational opportunities of social networking and virtual worlds.

4 Who is the iGeneration? “What do you mean why do I like technology? Isn’t everything technology? I guess I don’t think about it. It’s sorta like the sky ya know? I don’t think about the sky. I just know that when I look up it’s there. Same with technology. It’s just EVERYWHERE” – 10 yr old Ashley

5 Rosen gives 13 distinct traits of the iGeneration students: 1-Students were literally introduced to technology at birth 2-on a constant “media diet” 3-Multi-taskers 4-Fervor for communication technologies 5-Love anything internet related 6-Use the internet to create a wide array of “content”

6 7- Have a unique learning style. 8- Need for constant motivation 9-Closeness to family 10-Confidence 11-Openess to change 12-Need for collective reflection 13-Desire for IMMEDIACY

7 The Problem Is…. “ The iGeneration wants to learn but our current teaching models simply bore them and put them to sleep” -Rosen A student mentioned to Rosen that “Lectures used to be the death of me, now it’s Power Point.”

8 So How Can We Tap Into Their Creativity? We must figure out a way to let children work together online that fosters education Today’s students prefer to create projects that will have real audiences. Try letting students discuss school topics with people from all different cultures through Skype. It not only makes learning more fun, but interesting and valuable. Rosen says: “Technology has presented opportunities to change the “location” of education from the classroom to anywhere” Lecture through podcasts or video to excite and engage students Socializing is key to this generation Make course materials wireless.

9 Use of Blogging- Teachers studied, found that blogging improved student’s desire for writing. Use of Wikis motivated students and made classroom assignments more accessible. Make lessons more interactive and simulated from real life. Ex: Watch a “vodcast” of a historical reenactment of a battle.

10 Rosen’s 11 Recommendations for Rewiring Classroom Management 1-Our children need to be actively involved in their own learning 2- Do not limit a project to one format or be afraid to express content in art, music and video 3-Try to include a lesson that thrives on social interactions 4-Encourage creative writing 5- Increase positive reinforcement and feedback 6-Product over process

11 7-Teach reliable sources 8- Have realistic technology goals 9- Actively seek out support from tech savvy teachers and students 10-Recognize that the Internet provides access to a global perspective. 11-Teachers wanting to rewire their teaching have a lot of support on the Internet

12 The Scenario Mrs. Diaz teaches an eleventh grade Spanish class. Mrs. Diaz and her students are studying the influence of dialect when learning a language. Mrs. Diaz has been showing the same Spanish culture video for the past ten years and is tired of it. Any idea How Mrs. Diaz could “rewire” her dialect lesson plan?

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