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By Treyton S.  In the world there are kids and teens that don’t go to school or doesn't have schools.  Everybody has the right to go to school and get.

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Presentation on theme: "By Treyton S.  In the world there are kids and teens that don’t go to school or doesn't have schools.  Everybody has the right to go to school and get."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Treyton S

2  In the world there are kids and teens that don’t go to school or doesn't have schools.  Everybody has the right to go to school and get a education.

3  Torture is around the world kids are being torture. Kids are being punished.  Children are beaten for no reason pushed around bullied. But there are other kids that are physical beaten everyday.

4  Every year kids run away from their country. They run away to find shelter to sleep they want to be free.  They have the right to go other countries asylum from persecution.

5 People around the world are being slaves. They are being shipped traded with other people. Today slaves are bought for labor trafficking, organ trafficking, child trafficking, forced married, debt bondage. There is about 20.9 million people victims of forced labor. Slaves are disguised as farm workers, prostitutes, or house keepers.

6  Everyone has the right to life, freedom and liberty.  “The right to life is a moral principle based on the belief that a human being has the right to live.”


8  Thanks for your time today  Do you agreed with my top5 rights?  Sincerely  Treyton S  Thanks for your time today  Do you agreed with my top5 rights?  Sincerely  Treyton S

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