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DukeWeb Enterprise CMS Update for Web Community 2/10/2004 Cheryl Crupi Senior Manager, Duke OIT Office of Web Services.

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Presentation on theme: "DukeWeb Enterprise CMS Update for Web Community 2/10/2004 Cheryl Crupi Senior Manager, Duke OIT Office of Web Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 DukeWeb Enterprise CMS Update for Web Community 2/10/2004 Cheryl Crupi Senior Manager, Duke OIT Office of Web Services

2 CMS Needs  Needs > identified by CMS ITAC sub committee: Create and maintain web sites. Enable content sharing (syndication) Support users with diverse technical skills and project resources.  Recommendation > enterprise CMS for the Duke community (DukeWeb)

3 DukeWeb Functionality  Content Authoring – friendly web interface for non- technical users to create and update content.  Flexible Presentation – presentation separate from content enables easy design changes.  Syndication – Inbound and outbound content sharing via RSS or XML.  Workflow – manage content lifecycle – author, edit, publish, expire, archive.  Versioning – check-in / check-out, revision history.  Remote Access – seamless access via the web.  Dynamic delivery – content from a variety of sources / delivery possible in multiple formats.  Security – Duke NetID authentication via WebAuth

4 CMS Solution  December ’04 Duke purchased an enterprise license of ContentXML as the underlying technology for DukeWeb.  ContentXML was selected based on a variety of criteria, including: Viability as an enterprise tool Functionality Flexibility Cost Speed to deployment  ContentXML is an XML based “push” CMS product.

5 Deployment Vision Successful Deployment

6 Community Engagement  To ensure communication and community involvement, these teams are being convened to guide and support rollout. SponsorsStrategic direction, policy, prioritization. Advisory TeamDeployment oversight and feedback. Technical Team - Core Infrastructure management and support. Technical Advisory Team Business practices, data sharing standards, technical oversight Functional Team - Core Evolving community needs and future requirements. Communication TeamCommunicate with user communities.

7 Services and Resources  Access to DukeWeb for any Duke related project (free)  Resources Generic templates (free) Image bank (free) Web statistics (AWStats Project) Hosting – TBD (assessing needs and demand)  Web Projects (fee-for-service) OWS or vendor referrals To get into the project queue contact OWS  Training and Knowledge Sharing Training – working on training plans Community collaboration tools (Confluence) Documentation OIT user support – working on model

8 CMS High Level Rollout Plan MilestoneKick OffTargeted Dates Notes Production Environment Setup 1/4/052/7/05Complete. First Website Implementation - Office of News & Communications 12/20/054/4/05On Schedule. User training – target week of 3/21/05 Student Affairs Planning2/7/053/31/05 Student Affairs Implementation (Phased approach) 4/1/057/05 Generic Template Development 4/1/057/05 General Availability Target7/05Training schedule TBD.

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