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Is antimatter a fact? A myth? It is talked about in science fiction books and movies but is it actually real? What can it do? Today you will explore this.

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Presentation on theme: "Is antimatter a fact? A myth? It is talked about in science fiction books and movies but is it actually real? What can it do? Today you will explore this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is antimatter a fact? A myth? It is talked about in science fiction books and movies but is it actually real? What can it do? Today you will explore this concept to discover: What is antimatter? How was it discovered and what have we found out about it through research? 1111 2222 3333 6666 5555 4444 Next These materials are © 2012 J Lilly, Dundalk HS, all rights reserved.

2 This website, sponsored by CERN, will tell you everything you ever needed to know about antimatter and then some! From the very beginnings of the universe to the newest breakthroughs, this website has you covered. Prepare to take a journey though time and space to experience one of the greatest riddles of our existence… Download an complete the question guide to help you navigate the website!!  Click here to go to website Click here to go to website  Click here to access website worksheet. Print out to be turned in. Click here to access website worksheet. 1111 2222 3333 6666 5555 4444 Next These materials are © 2012 J Lilly, Dundalk HS, all rights reserved.

3 Antimatter Timeline Using the link provided, create a timeline of the history of antimatter from The Big Bang up until the most recent scientific breakthroughs. Your timeline should be printed after you are done and turned in. 1111 2222 3333 6666 5555 4444 Next These materials are © 2012 J Lilly, Dundalk HS, all rights reserved.  Click here to access timeline template Click here to access timeline template

4 By now you should be an expert on antimatter! You should take that knowledge and share it with someone else…. You will create a 10-15 minute presentation on antimatter to present to the class. You may use several methods to do this. Acceptable presentations are Power Point slides with explanation, a verbal presentation (speech) with accompanying handouts, or any other method you have approved by the teacher.  Your presentation must contain: A brief history of antimatter An explanation of what it is Why it is hard to obtain Where it is likely to be found Our uses for it in modern times. 1111 2222 3333 6666 5555 4444 Next These materials are © 2012 J Lilly, Dundalk HS, all rights reserved.

5  As you saw there was a connection between antimatter and Einstein’s work concerning turning matter into energy (E=mc 2 ).  However antimatter isn’t the only situation in which matter transforms into energy… Explore the difference between antimatter and other types of nuclear reactions… Compare and contrast Antimatter, Fusion Reactions, and Fission Reactions. Write two paragraphs describing your analysis. 1111 2222 3333 6666 5555 4444 Next These materials are © 2012 J Lilly, Dundalk HS, all rights reserved.

6 Lesson Objective: Students will independently research antimatter in order to qualitatively describe its scientific history and applicable uses. Timeline: The completion of the questions and timeline should take 50min. The presentations will take another 50 min to prepare, or can be assigned for homework or given as a longer project if more complexity is desired in the final presentations. BCPS Standards CLG 5.5.2 – The student will qualitatively explain the processes associated with nuclear energy and its applications. AIM Standards O-16 The student will use real-world examples and models to describe the processes associated with nuclear energy and its applications. MDK12 Standards Expectation 5.5 The student will investigate certain topics in modern physics. Indicator 5.5.2 The student will qualitatively explain the processes associated with nuclear energy and its applications. 1111 2222 3333 6666 5555 4444 These materials are © 2012 J Lilly, Dundalk HS, all rights reserved.

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