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The Semantic Web from 30.000ft Frank van Harmelen Creative Commons License: allowed to share & remix, but must attribute & non-commercial.

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Presentation on theme: "The Semantic Web from 30.000ft Frank van Harmelen Creative Commons License: allowed to share & remix, but must attribute & non-commercial."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Semantic Web from 30.000ft Frank van Harmelen Creative Commons License: allowed to share & remix, but must attribute & non-commercial


3 The Semantic Web = a big engineering effort + a set of information structuring principles

4 People Web Machines HOW?

5 The Current Web of text and pictures                     linked web-pages, written by people, written for people, used only by people... Many of these pages already come from data, that is usable by computers! But we can’t link the data.... ? ? ? ? The Future Web of Data ? linked data, usable by computers! useful for people!

6 P1. Give all things a name

7 P2. Relations form a graph between things

8 P3. The names are addresses on the Web x T [ IsOfType ] different owners & locations

9 P1+P2+P3 = Giant Global Graph

10 P4. explicit & formal semantics assign types to things assign types to relations organise types in a hierarchy empose constraints on possible interpretations

11 What’s it like to be a computer on the web?

12 Examples of “semantics”  married-to  is male married-to relates males to females  is male married-to relates males to females married-to relates 1 male to 1 female  =  married-to relates 1 male to 1 female  =  lowerboundupperbound  married-to

13 Did you get anywhere? (1/2) already many billions of facts & rules Encyclopedia Geographic names (millions) names of artists & art works (10.000’s) scientific bibliographies hierarchical dictionaries (UK, FR, NL) hierarchical dictionaries (UK, FR, NL) life-science databases any CD ever recorded (almost) May ‘09 estimate > 4.2 billion triples + 140 million interlinks May ‘09 estimate > 4.2 billion triples + 140 million interlinks basic facts on every country on the planet common sense rules & facts (100.000’s)

14 It gets bigger every month 25 billion facts & relations…

15 Real life examples handcrafted – music: CDnow (2410/5), MusicMoz (1073/7)CDnow MusicMoz – biomedical: SNOMED (200k), GO (15k), Emtree(45k+190k Systems biologyGO Systems biology ranging from lightweight – Yahoo, UNSPC, Open directory (400k) to heavyweight (Cyc (300k)) Yahoo ranging from small ( METAR ) to large ( UNSPC ) METAR Did you get anywhere? (2/2)

16 Did you get anywhere? (3/2) used by media: BBC, Reuters, New York Times, governments retail (10K companies): BestBuy, Sears, Kmart, Volkswagen, Renault IT: IBM, Oracle Search: Bing, Yahoo, Google (before May 2012, after May 2012)before May 2012after May 2012

17 Any lessons?

18 heterogeneity is unavoidable

19 Much heterogeneity is solved socially

20 knowledge obeys a long-tail distribution

21 Types

22 Semantic Web from 30.000ft ? It’s not yet very well understood It’s a surprisingly successful engineering effort It’s a handful of principles

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