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Bell Ringer #15 Tuesday, May 27th Who do you think is the single most powerful person in the world today? Why do you think this?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer #15 Tuesday, May 27th Who do you think is the single most powerful person in the world today? Why do you think this?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer #15 Tuesday, May 27th Who do you think is the single most powerful person in the world today? Why do you think this?

2 EMPEROR  For much of the history of the world, it could be argued that whoever was emperor of China was the most powerful person in the world!

3 Here is the plan…  Students will view short video clips and pick out key points.  Students will read passages and pick out supporting details.  Students will create a timeline showing the contributions of various Chinese Dynasties.

4 Timeline  Qin Dynasty or First Empire (221 -206 BC)  Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD)  Tang (619 -907 AD) & Song (960 – 1279 AD)  Yuan or Mongol Dynasty (1279 to 1368)  Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644)  Qing or Manchu Dynasty (1644-1912)

5 Qin Dynasty The First Empire 221 -206 BC

6 Qin Dynasty 221 BC – 206 BC

7 Law

8 Great Wall

9 Terra Cotta Army

10 Weights & Measures

11 Han Dynasty 206 BC – 220 AD

12 Han Dynasty 202 BC – 220 AD

13 Silk Road / Trade

14 Anesthesia

15 Acupuncture

16 Civil Service Exam

17 Paper

18 Tang Dynasty 618 – 907 AD

19 Tang Dynasty 581 – 907 AD

20 Song Dynasty 960 –1279 AD

21 Magnetic compass

22 Block Printing

23 Art / literature

24 Yuan (Mongol) 1279 – 1368 AD

25 Marco Polo

26 Ming Dynasty 1368-1644

27 Forbidden City

28 Qing (Manchu) 1644-1912

29 Beginning of the END

30 FINAL Question Based upon what you have just learned – how do you think modern day Chinese people feel about their culture?

31 Crash Course

32 Here is the plan…  Students will view short video clips and pick out key points.  Students will read passages and pick out supporting details.  Students will create a timeline showing the contributions of various Chinese Dynasties.

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