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Brazil Half of South America’s population and land lie in Brazil

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1 Brazil Half of South America’s population and land lie in Brazil
Brasilia is the capital of Brazil

2 The Northeast Region Climate = tropical, wet, and dry
Poverty is severe. Because of this people have an average life of 49 years old. Colonized by the Portuguese in Portuguese built large sugar plantations. Brazil is one of the world’s major producers of sugar.

3 The Southeast Region Brazil’s smallest region.
Brazil’s economic heartland. Southeast produces cotton, sugarcane, rice, chocolate, and coffee. Southeast is known as the “coffeepot”. This area grows ¼ of the world’s supply of coffee. Climate = humid and sub tropic. Southeast

4 The Amazon River Region
The Amazon River spreads across more than ½ of Brazil. Receive more than 80 inches of precipitation per year. Average of 80 degrees. Home of thousands of species of plants and animals. 10% of Brazilians live here, with about 200,000 Indians from over 180 different tribes.

5 Economy & Poverty in Brazil
Brazilians have benefited from economic development, but poverty and environmental harm are major problems. Brazilian farmers suffer from poverty because they live in areas where the soil is poor and free/open land is scarce. They also can’t afford expensive farm equipment. The Brazilian government has boosted the economy and decreased the poverty levels by encouraging settlement and development of land. Industry accounts for 1/3 of Brazil’s economy.

6 Environmental Changes in Brazil
Deforestation = the process of striping the land of its trees. This is done throughout the Amazon rainforest to create more farms. To save the rainforest the Brazilian government is trying to fight deforestation. They are confiscating timber and materials that came from the rain forest, taxing farmers, and encouraging ecotourism. Ecotourism = tourism that encourages environmental awareness.

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