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The Southeast Michigan Council of Governments. Context for the Meeting SEMCOG TMIP Peer Review Panel Meeting December 12-13, 2011 Context for the Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "The Southeast Michigan Council of Governments. Context for the Meeting SEMCOG TMIP Peer Review Panel Meeting December 12-13, 2011 Context for the Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Southeast Michigan Council of Governments

2 Context for the Meeting SEMCOG TMIP Peer Review Panel Meeting December 12-13, 2011 Context for the Meeting SEMCOG TMIP Peer Review Panel Meeting December 12-13, 2011

3 Regional Realities: Since 2000Since 2000 –nearly 500,000 jobs lost –$10,000 drop in median household income –household vacancy rate has doubled –declining property values –High unemployment rate

4 Motivation/Needs The travel model is used in:The travel model is used in: –policy decision making processes, –transportation planning, and –alternative project analysis.

5 Goals/Uses: develop/analyze scenarios transit oriented development,transit oriented development, urban growth/shrinking policies,urban growth/shrinking policies, compact developmentcompact development

6 Goals/Uses: transportation planning RTP and TIP development processRTP and TIP development process project evaluation and prioritizationproject evaluation and prioritization environmental justice analysisenvironmental justice analysis transportation economicstransportation economics congestion managementcongestion management

7 Goals/Uses: transportation planning (cont.) freight planningfreight planning vehicle emission estimationvehicle emission estimation conformity determinationconformity determination climate change and green house gas (GHG) needsclimate change and green house gas (GHG) needs traffic operationstraffic operations

8 Goals/Uses: project level construction impact and mitigation strategiesconstruction impact and mitigation strategies light rail and commuter rail projects, e.g. New Startslight rail and commuter rail projects, e.g. New Starts highway improvement projects and traffic projections.highway improvement projects and traffic projections. intersection improvementsintersection improvements

9 Modeling Challenges address region’s new reality & development patternsaddress region’s new reality & development patterns reallocation of developmentreallocation of development transportation investment strategy and prioritytransportation investment strategy and priority EJ AnalysisEJ Analysis traffic improvement (hot-spot)traffic improvement (hot-spot)

10 The Southeast Michigan Council of Governments

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