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The Cardio-Vascular System. The CV System The Heart The Heart The Transporting Vessels The Transporting Vessels The Blood The Blood.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cardio-Vascular System. The CV System The Heart The Heart The Transporting Vessels The Transporting Vessels The Blood The Blood."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cardio-Vascular System

2 The CV System The Heart The Heart The Transporting Vessels The Transporting Vessels The Blood The Blood

3 Purpose of the CV System Provide Muscles with _______Provide Muscles with _______ Remove Waste products_____, _____ & _______Remove Waste products_____, _____ & _______ Disperse heat from Core to PeripheryDisperse heat from Core to Periphery Provide Muscles with energy sourceProvide Muscles with energy source

4 Components of the Heart Chambers Chambers Right & Left Atria (single atrium)Right & Left Atria (single atrium) Right & Left ventriclesRight & Left ventricles Blood Vessel Blood Vessel AortaAorta Superior & Inferior Vena CavaSuperior & Inferior Vena Cava Pulmonary Artery & VeinPulmonary Artery & Vein The Valves The Valves Bicuspid & TricuspidBicuspid & Tricuspid

5 Blood Flow through the Heart…

6 Cardiac Output This is the Quantity of Blood leaving the heart per minute. (Litres/min) This is the Quantity of Blood leaving the heart per minute. (Litres/min) Cardiac Output = Stroke Volume x Heart rate

7 Types of Blood Vessels Artery Venuole Vein Arteriole Capillary

8 Functioning of Vessels Thin Inner Layer Strong Outer Layer Lumen Smooth Muscle Arteries become arterioles as they incorporate more smooth muscle.Arteries become arterioles as they incorporate more smooth muscle. This allows them to Vasoconstrict and Vasodilate in response to supply demands. (Widen and narrow).This allows them to Vasoconstrict and Vasodilate in response to supply demands. (Widen and narrow). They cushion and smooth out the pulsatile flow of the blood as it comes from the heart which helps to control blood pressure.They cushion and smooth out the pulsatile flow of the blood as it comes from the heart which helps to control blood pressure. A CROSS SECTION THROUGH AN ARTERY

9 Functioning of Vessels Veins are similar in construction to arteries Veins are similar in construction to arteries They increase in thickness closer to the heart They increase in thickness closer to the heart They contain pocket valves They contain pocket valves Walls distend to allow blood to pool – 70% of Total Blood Volume in venous system at rest Walls distend to allow blood to pool – 70% of Total Blood Volume in venous system at rest Valve A CROSS SECTION THROUGH AN VEIN

10 Try this… 1. Place 2 fingers to the side of your throat (trachea) 2. Find your pulse and count it for 30 seconds 3.Record the result and multiply by two – Hence BPM 4. Now close your eyes and think of a point in your last game/training session that annoyed/excited you. 5.Take your pulse again as in 2. And record result 6.Now perform exercise and record after 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 minutes

11 The Blood On average – On average – 5 Litres of Blood in body accounting for 8% of body weight 5 Litres of Blood in body accounting for 8% of body weight Contents Contents o Plasma – 55 % of blood volume o Water, Salts, Proteins, O 2, CO 2, Glucose, Fatty Acids, Waste Products o Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes) o Bi-concave disk, no nucleus, contains haemoglobin o White Blood Cells (Leucocytes) o Fight infection by enveloping enemy cells o Platelets o Help blood clotting

12 Blood Distribution Organ Volume (l) Brain 0.75 ( constant) Heart0.25 Kidneys1.25 Skeletal Muscle 1.00 Gastrointestinal (GI) 1.25 Skin0.50

13 Exercise… 1.Given that your blood volume is approx 5 Litres, calculate the approximate mass of blood contained in the average male. 2.From the table, what mass of blood is contained in the brain? 3.During exercise, blood would be shunted from ________ to _______ 4.In what conditions would you expect the volume of blood in the skin to lessen?

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