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National Programme of Action Costing Frameworks (Uganda Experience) Zigiti Zeridah Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development September 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "National Programme of Action Costing Frameworks (Uganda Experience) Zigiti Zeridah Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development September 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Programme of Action Costing Frameworks (Uganda Experience) Zigiti Zeridah Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development September 2010

2 National Programme of Action Structure Democracy and Political Governance Economic Governance and Management Corporate Governance Socio Economic Development

3 NPoA Structure Ctd Security Work and Transport Agriculture Education Health Water and Environment Justice, law and Order Accountability Energy and Mineral Development

4 NPoA Structures Ctd Tourism, Trade and Industry Lands housing and Urban Development Social Development Information and Communication Technology Public Sector Management Public Administration Legislature

5 Costing Frameworks Based on the objectives laid out for each NPoA thematic area Sector Working Group mechanism (Sector Investment Plans) Institutional Mandates and Objectives (Vote Functions)

6 Costing Frameworks Sectoral and institutional objectives Expected Outcomes, Outputs and indicators Review of existing initiatives and financing plans

7 Consultative Process Cabinet approval of the process Consultative Meetings involving Donors, Cabinet, Parliament and Civil Society and NGOs Consultative meetings were held with Local Governments

8 Challenges Reorganizing the existing sectoral structure Mobilization of sector stakeholders for the cross cutting roles Omission of relevant issues Cross cutting issues (omitted or double counted) Reliable data for current and future projections

9 Challenges ctd Integrating existing and upcoming policy changes e.g. transition from the PEAP to NDP Linking with the existing financing plans e.g. MTEF

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