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An Integrated Approach Prepared By: AIMCORP-Automated Information Management Corporation.

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1 An Integrated Approach Prepared By: AIMCORP-Automated Information Management Corporation

2 AIMCORP-Automated information Management Corporation 2 The methodology we have designed is based on the Balanced Scorecard; It provides an opportunity to maximize the performance of resources (Financial, Operational, and Human) and minimize the overall operational overheads without jeopardizing the quality of services/products; and It translates vision into realistic, operational, timely and quantifiable performance measurements (PM) and enables us to redesign the processes in order to meet the expected level of performance. An Integrated Approach…

3 AIMCORP-Automated information Management Corporation 3 The Methodology … It clarifies and updates strategy; It communicates strategy throughout the company; It Aligns unit and individual goals with the strategy and corresponding performance measures; It links strategic objectives to long-term targets/budgets; and It identifies and aligns action steps needed to accomplish strategic goals.

4 AIMCORP-Automated information Management Corporation 4 Strategic Framework Balanced Scorecard Clarifying and Translating The Vision and Strategy:  Clarifying the Vision  Gaining Consensus Strategic Feedback and Learning:  Articulating the shared Vision  Supplying Strategic Feedback  Facilitating Strategy Review Planning and Target Setting:  Setting Targets  Strategic Initiatives  Resource Allocation  Milestones Establishment Communicating and Linking:  Communicating and  Educating  Setting Goals  Linking Rewards to Performance Measures

5 AIMCORP-Automated information Management Corporation 5 Redesign of Products and Services … Current Services Customer Perspective Strategic Direction Financial Perspective New/Refined Services/Channels/Direction Current Processes Redesigned Processes Technology SkillsInformation Performance Indicators SLA

6 AIMCORP-Automated information Management Corporation 6 The Gap Analysis and Roadmap … Existing Skills, Technology, and Information Skills, Technology and Information Required Gap Implementation Strategies/Initiatives/Roadmap Business Plan Investment Justification Training Plan Accountability Framework Surplus Resources

7 AIMCORP-Automated information Management Corporation 7 Investment of Surplus Capacity … Surplus Resources Stabilization Growth Diversification Price Reduction

8 AIMCORP-Automated information Management Corporation 8 Thanks for reviewing this presentation. Please click the following to get: Back to Methodologies …

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