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Purdue University Calumet Faculty Convocation Fall 05 Purdue University Calumet Faculty Convocation Fall 05 Academic Affairs Current Status and Goals for.

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Presentation on theme: "Purdue University Calumet Faculty Convocation Fall 05 Purdue University Calumet Faculty Convocation Fall 05 Academic Affairs Current Status and Goals for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Purdue University Calumet Faculty Convocation Fall 05 Purdue University Calumet Faculty Convocation Fall 05 Academic Affairs Current Status and Goals for 05/06 Nabil A. Ibrahim Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs September 28, 05

2 Outline  Significant 04/05 Accomplishments Students Faculty Community Engagement  Goals for 05/06  Next Strategic Focus  Challenges

3 Our Shared Vision By 2008 PUC will become  The university of choice for quality education in the region  Recognized for scholarship in applied research and creative endeavor  The engine that drives economic development in NW Indiana

4 Significant 04/05 Accomplishments I. Students  Best and Brightest Initiative  Enrollment Head counts Billing Hours  Retention Strategies Supplemental Instruction Academic Recovery Program

5 Enrollment Data 03/0404/0505/06Change Best & Brightest 018520015 Fall Headcount 9,1289,2229,30280 Fall Billing Hours 88,71889,83092,3302,500 Fall Credit Hours 84,46687,01389,7572,744

6 Trend in Fall Billing Hours Production

7 Trend in Fall Enrollment

8 Academic Learning Center Merrillville, Indiana

9 II. Faculty  Office for Research & Professional Development  Center for Instructional Excellence  Initiative for Increasing Tenure Track faculty  Centers and Institutes: Water Institute Energy Efficiency and Reliability Science and Technology Education Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Women and Minorities in Construction  Endowed Professorships, Lilly Initiative  Grants & Contracts

10 Faculty Development Outcomes % Tenure track Faculty From 54% to 62% 17 New Tenure Track Lilly Endowed Professorships 5 Endowed Professorships $ 2.5 M Grant Awards 20% increase 20% increase From: $2,950,000 To: $3,530.000 Federal Earmarks $ 500,000 Water Institute $ 300,000 High Performance Computing Grid $ 1,000,000 Energy Center

11 III. Community Engagement  Purdue Technology Center, Merrillville  Lilly Initiative “Opportunity for Indiana” Business Plan Competition Student Internships  Partnership on Hammond Business Incubator  Extended and Distance Education

12 Goals for 05/06 I. Students  Develop a plan to incrementally increase admission standards for new students and help achieve 70% retention in 3 years  Achieve a target of 195,000 billing hours and an enrollment of 9400 students  Implement the marketing plan for the Academic Learning Center and start fall 05 offerings  Develop a recruitment strategy to expand out-of–state students  Implement the Academic Recovery Initiative and Develop learning communalities as another strategy for student retention  Expand Supplemental Instruction to 3 high schools  Hire a director for the Student Honors Program and start first year implementation

13 II. Faculty  Hire the 05/06 director of the Center for Instructional Excellence and support CIE mission to enhance teaching and learning  Hire a new director for the Undergraduate Research and Institute the program in every school  Assess first year implementation of web CT and Develop a strategy for enhancing quality of web-based instruction  Continue the growth of Academic Computing  Implement plans for PUC Water Institute and Energy Efficiency and Reliability Center  Develop and offer Leadership Institute for Deans, Heads and Directors  Support the Office of International Studies and assess potentials for expanding International market  Form a Taskforce to institute AQIP as an academic strategy  Initiate search processes for 5 endowed professors and define the role they play in harnessing intellectual capital at PUC

14 III. Community Engagement  Implement the second year “Opportunity for Indiana”  Continue to participate actively in the development of Purdue Technology Center  Support the development of Hammond Incubator in collaboration with the city of Hammond  Develop a Center for Regional Economic Development including a Technical Assistance Program to support local business  Align applied research activities in Centers & Institutes to serve economic development in NW Indiana

15 Our Next Strategic Focus Pride in Academic Quality Building Academic Distinction

16 Five Basic Strategies  Develop Institutional Niche  Enhance Student Quality  Ensure Competitive Marketing  Build Intellectual Capital  Achieve Financial Stability

17 Transforming PUC Tier IVTier III

18 The Seven Challenges  Retention  Graduation Rate  Admission Standards  Competition /Market Share  Faculty/staff Salaries  Regional/National Recognition  Leveraging Resources

19 Discussion  Questions,  comments  suggestions ??

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