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 Safavid brought Islam to Iran (Persia)  Qajars overthrew Safavid empire › Qajars brought many secular reforms  Followed by the Pallahvi in early 1900s.

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2  Safavid brought Islam to Iran (Persia)  Qajars overthrew Safavid empire › Qajars brought many secular reforms  Followed by the Pallahvi in early 1900s › Further secularization continued › “Too rapid” › Corruption, ties to the West (US) › Like Diaz in Mexico, “White Revolution”

3  Introduced by the Safavids in mid 15 th century  Vs. Sunnis: why?  Hidden Imam

4  Charismatic Leadership, exiled to France during 60’s and 70’s.  Jurist’s Guardianship (velyat-el-faiqh) › Gives clergy supreme control over the Shia population › Most clergymen in Qom do not agree with this

5  Revolution of Rising Expectations › Oil Prices drop worldwide  Complaints about Shah’s rapid secularized society  Shah abdicates amid huge protests › corruption › Ironically, the US’ stance on human rights were one of the reasons why the Shah abdicated.

6  April 1979– country-wide referendum completes the abolition of Shah’s government  People ratify the People’s Islamic Republic of Iran  Cultural Revolution  Constitution of 1979- source of legitimacy › Parts of constitution ratified after Khomeini's death

7  Authoritarian traditions  Union of political and religious authority dates back to 15 th century  Lack of colonialism- rare for the region › Still were subjugated to imperialism  Nationalism › “Persians first, Muslims 2 nd, Shi’ia 3 rd

8  Religion  Ethnicity  Social  POL: reform vs. conservative  REL: pragmatist vs. radical

9 Constitution gives him the right to : Eliminate presidential candidates Dismiss the president Command the army Declare war and peace Appoint / remove all judges Nominate half of Guardian Council Appoint many non-gov directiors

10  12 clerics  Bills passed by legislature are reviewed › Must adhere to Sharia  Decides who can compete in elections  JURISTS GUARDIANSHIP

11  86 member house (all male)  Interprets the constitution and laws  Directly elected by people every 4 years  Allowed to remove Ayatollah from office (added in 1989, after Khomeini’s death)  Candidates are subject to GC approval

12  Referee between the Maijles and Guardian Council › Created by Khomeini › Made permanent in 1989 › 32 members include  President  Chief judge  Speaker of the Maijles  6 jurists from Guardian Council

13  Budget  Supervise economy  Propose legislation  Execute policies  Sign treaties, laws, agreements  Chairs the National Security Council Must be devout Shiite. 4 year terms, 2 term limit

14  Unicameral Legislature (some argue that the Assembly of Religious Experts acts like an upper house on the legislature)  Created by 1906 Constitution › Enacts or changes laws › Interprets legislation › Appoints 6 of twelve members of GC › Investigates wrongdoing by executive and judicial branches › Approves the budget

15 STRUCTURETHEOCRACY?DEMOCRATIC? Supreme Leader Jurist’s guardianship- Ultimate interpreter of Sharia law Tee hee. No. Guardian Council (12 members) - High interpreters of Sharia Law. - 6 members selected by Supreme Leader - Six members selected by Majles Assembly of Religious Experts Interprets ShariaDirectly elected by the people; non-clerics are members Expediency Council Appointed by Supreme leader; most members are clerics Not all members are clerics Majles Promises to uphold ShariaDirectly elected by people Judiciary Sharia law; Supreme Leader has final say on all cases Court structure similar to democratic nations; code law has modern “penalties”













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