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Renée Taylor Panelists: PROMOTION AND TENURE Juan Carlos Campuzano, Distinguished Professor of Physics Larry Danziger, Professor of Pharmacy Practice Julia.

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Presentation on theme: "Renée Taylor Panelists: PROMOTION AND TENURE Juan Carlos Campuzano, Distinguished Professor of Physics Larry Danziger, Professor of Pharmacy Practice Julia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renée Taylor Panelists: PROMOTION AND TENURE Juan Carlos Campuzano, Distinguished Professor of Physics Larry Danziger, Professor of Pharmacy Practice Julia Fish, Professor of Studio Arts Matthew Gaynor, Associate Professor of Graphic Design Dave Hilbert, Professor of Philosophy Tim Murphy, Professor of Philosophy in Biomedical Science Terri Thorkildsen, Professor of Educational Psychology David Ucker, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

2 1.Establishing Impact 2.Promotion and Tenure Process 3.Beginning Early 4.The Mid-Probationary Review 5.Campus P&T Committee 6.Preparing the Dossier 7.Finding a Mentor(s) 8.Balance 9.Politics Objectives

3 UIC is a research-intensive university Impact is determined by peer review and a public presence within one’s discipline –Peer-Reviewed Publications/Books –Funded Research or Scholarship (Grants, Contracts, Funded/Prestigious Scholarly Awards) CLICK TO EDIT MASTER STYLE THE ROLE OF IMPACT IN TENURE

4 Candidate contributes to the preparation of the non-evaluative aspects of the papers. Head of the Department/Paper Preparer Department Committee Votes Head of Department Endorses/Denies College Committees (P&T and Executive) Vote Dean of the College Endorses/Denies Note: joint appointments Departmental and College Process

5 Campus P & T Committee Provost + Dean of the Graduate College Appeal (if made) Chancellor Board of Trustees CLICK TO EDIT MASTER STYLE Campus Process

6 Departmental Norms & College Norms Read through a blank dossier (forms) Meet with your Department Head/Chair Seek and receive mentoring CLICK TO EDIT MASTER STYLE Begin Your Preparation Early

7 Typically Conducted in the Spring of the T3 Year Should show a positive trajectory Outcome of the review shared with assistant professor, kept in department and college file, and forwarded (with the signature of the Dean) to the Office of VCAA, and will be included in the P&T dossier CLICK TO EDIT MASTER STYLE MID-PROBATIONARY REVIEW

8 Non-evaluative   Evaluative  Dossier CLICK TO EDIT MASTER STYLE PREPARING YOUR DOSSIER

9 –Candidate provides materials for dossier: in spring, with the support of the department head, –Candidate reviews and acknowledges the factual elements of the dossier CLICK TO EDIT MASTER STYLE NON EVALUATIVE COMPONENTS

10 External reviewers (letters) –5-8 –Candidates may submit of a list of inappropriate referees –Materials sent to reviewers C.V. Sample of recent publication and works in press Research statement –Collaborators can articulate the contribution of the candidate in joint work CLICK TO EDIT MASTER STYLE EVALUATIVE COMPONENTS

11 Statement and endorsement from Unit Executive Officer (Head or Chair) Statement and endorsement from Dean CLICK TO EDIT MASTER STYLE EVALUATIVE COMPONENTS

12 Impact of scholarship/scientific contributions Teaching contributions Service contributions CLICK TO EDIT MASTER STYLE DEPARTMENTAL AND COLLEGE NORMS AND BYLAWS

13 Campus policy is that each College must have a mentoring program Senior faculty to mentor junior faculty Approach the VPFA office if you do not feel you have access to adequate/optimal mentoring CLICK TO EDIT MASTER STYLE FINDING A MENTOR

14 Pursuit of tenure may intrude on one’s personal life (Perlmutter, 2010) When is imbalance acceptable/tolerable & when is it not? Learning to set limits, when appropriate. CLICK TO EDIT MASTER STYLE BALANCING PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL LIVES

15 –Tenure rollback TenureRollback_04-2009_FINAL.pdf –Tenure hold Tenure%20Hold_FINAL%20Policy- MAAPP_RevisedJuly%202009.pdf –Modified teaching duties Modified%20Teaching%20Duties_MAAPP_Revd_A ug%202009.pdf Modified%20Teaching%20Duties_MAAPP_Revd_A ug%202009.pdf NEW CHILD, FAMILY ILLNESS, AND MEDICAL ISSUES

16 “Sitting down with a young and brilliant mathematician, I asked what he thought were his biggest problems…instead of describing difficulties with equations…he lamented that (a) his GA wasn’t completing his tasks on time, (b) his department head didn’t seem to care if junior faculty obtained grants, and (c) a senior professor kept glaring at him in faculty meetings.” – David Perlmutter, p.1 POLITICS

17 Right after tenure/promotion? Two to three years after being promoted and/or receiving tenure, update promotion and tenure documents Meet with department head/chair in mid- spring to summarize progress Importance of wider presence/recognition (international) Importance of leadership & a “signature” (scientific/scholarly, teaching/mentoring, service) MID-CAREER PROMOTION

18 Highlight accomplishments since last promotion oNew courses oNew grants and grant expenditures oNew papers/books oM.S. and Ph.D. students graduated and their placement oImpact of the research oContinuity of scholarship (&/or funding) MID-CAREER PROMOTION

19 Lang, J.M. (2005). Life on the Tenure Track. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. Perlmutter, D.D. (2010). Promotion and Tenure Confidential. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Rockquemore, K.A., Laszloffy T. (2008) The Black Academic's Guide to Winning Tenure--Without Losing Your Soul, Lynne Rienner Publishers. Tam, M.S. (2012). UIC Promotion and Tenure Workshop Slides REFERENCES & RESOURCES

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