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Lecture 7 Interviews Purpose of Interview Communicate information Look for change in perception and behaviour Make decision Solve problem Gather new.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 7 Interviews Purpose of Interview Communicate information Look for change in perception and behaviour Make decision Solve problem Gather new."— Presentation transcript:


2 Lecture 7 Interviews

3 Purpose of Interview Communicate information Look for change in perception and behaviour Make decision Solve problem Gather new information

4 Preparation for Interview Purpose Audience Place and time Contents Pattern

5 Process of Interview Opening Creating atmosphere Clarifying purpose Exchanging information Finishing Results

6 Types of Interview Performance feedback interview Job interview Interview for gathering information Interview for communicating information Interview for solving problem

7 Preparation for Performance Feedback Interview Identify interviewer Collect and analyze information Work out outline of the interview Decide on time and place Inform the interviewee

8 Procedure of Performance Feedback Interview Opening speech Self-assessment by the interviewee Evaluation on the interviewee Exchange of opinions Further discussion to reach common ground Agreement on the result of performance evaluation Closing

9 Principles of Performance Feedback Interview Listen actively Be honest and friendly Praise first, then criticize Call a spade a spade Be aware of employee’s performance Control the process of interview

10 Process of Job Interview Types of the interview Preparations of the interviews Skills of the interviewees

11 Types of Job Interview ■ Structured interview (Formal) ■ Unstructured interview (Informal) ■ One to one ■ Panel interview

12 Prepare Job Interview Questions Work experience related questions Education and training background related questions Personality, work style, attitude and value related questions Other Questions

13 Skills for Job Interviewer ■ Avoid unplanned interview ■ Choose appropriate place and time ■ Create an open climate ■ Encourage to speak more ■ Respect the interviewee ■ Avoid being emotionally affected ■ Listening and taking necessary notes ■ Pay attention to the non-verbal behaviours

14 Use Silence Ingeniously 80% Listening 80% Listening 20% Speaking

15 Format of Job Interview Introduction Disconnection in the CV Interviewee ’ s personality and way of doing things Interviewee ’ s inquiry about the work and pay

16 Style of Job Interview Informative Situational Challenging Ability-checking

17 Alternatives of Testing Ability Handwriting Personality Skill Intelligence Situation

18 Overall Evaluation of the Interviewee First impression A wide question-coverage Pay attention to the career development of the interviewee Be aware of the disconnection Assess the ability of the interviewee Assess the personality of the interviewee

19 Abilities and Skills of the Interviewee Organizing Analyzing Decision-making Communicating

20 Advice to the Job Interviewee Take an overall look at the interview Be aware of your own merits and shortcomings Try to “ show off ” during the interview

21 Be Well-informed of the Organization Whether it is a big company or a small one Whether it is public or private The size The location The annual turnover Whether it is a listed company Whether it is expanding or narrowing Whether it has any subsidiary(ies) The reputation of its industrial relation Any recent news release concerning the company The name of the CEO Whether it has any export business Does the company offer any training and career development schemes

22 To See Ourselves as Other See Us What makes people like you What makes people dislike you What are you good at What are you poor at What do your colleagues think of you Is there any difference between being at home and in the office

23 In the Course of the Interview Focus on leaving good impression Call a spade a spade Be confident Avoid inappropriate non-verbal behaviours

24 Voice Turnoffs Apathy Rushed Irritation Phoneyness Hesitation

25 Message Delivery Guidelines Tone (respectful, straight, honest) Articulation (good, clear words) Pitch (middle range) Volume (middle range) Projection (project energy and enthusiasm) Rhythm (verified) Pace (moderate)

26 Case study: How many rats in Hong Kong?

27 The Abilities Being Tested Structured thinking Logical thinking Pragmatic ability Reflective ability Communicative ability Creative ability

28 Role Play: Are you acting appropriately either as an interviewer or an interviewee? The class is divided into three groups of interviewers, interviewees and observers respectively, the groups of which are then subdivided into panel groups of four. These groups are to hold different interviews with the candidates, with the observers observing the whole process.

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