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M ULTIPLE R ESPONSE S TRATEGIES By Euranie Patin Campus Instructional Coach Martin Weiss Elementary School An Approach To Student Engagement.

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2 M ULTIPLE R ESPONSE S TRATEGIES By Euranie Patin Campus Instructional Coach Martin Weiss Elementary School An Approach To Student Engagement

3  The purpose of the MRS professional development module is to explore the benefits of an engaged classroom with Multiple Response Strategies.  Click on the image below to watch the introduction video.  Write a reflection on how this video correlates to one or more of our core beliefs. Overview

4 Our main purpose is to improve student academic achievement. Effective instruction makes the most difference in student academic achievement. There is no excuse for poor quality instruction. With our help, at-risk students will achieve at the same rate as non-risk students. Staff members must have a commitment to children AND a commitment to the pursuit of excellence. Core Beliefs

5  Teachers will be able to identify multiple response strategies.  Teachers will be able to increase student engagement by selecting appropriate multiple response strategies. Learner Objective

6  Teachers will watch a video and list the multiple response strategies used with 100% accuracy.  Teachers will incorporate at least two new multiple response strategies in their lessons. Demonstration of Learning

7  Students  Motivate  Focus  Interactive  Teachers  Engaged, motivated, and focused students  Checks for understanding Who benefits from MRS?

8  Multiple Response Strategies are techniques designed to bring forth responses from most of the students in a class numerous times during a class period. What is MRS?

9  Multiple  More that one student engaged  Full class participation  Response  Students interactively responding to a question/idea/problem/etc.  Strategy  The manner at which a task/activity is planned and completed. What is MRS?, cont.

10  Throughout the lesson cycle  Engage*  Explore*  Explanation  Elaboration  Evaluation* * Indicates the most popular phases of the lesson cycle MRS are used. When is MRS used?

11  Classroom  Other learning environments  Anywhere Where is MRS used?

12  Strategic placement throughout lesson based on implementation points that yield the best measureable results.  Usually when a teacher creates lesson plans MRS are embedded in the various parts of the lesson cycle.  Especially during Engage and Explore phases of the lesson cycle. How is MRS used?

13  Actively involves students in the lesson.  Increases motivation or interest.  Evaluates students’ skill level.  Checks on completion of work.  Develops critical thinking skills.  Nurtures insights.  Quickly assesses achievement or mastery of goals and objectives. Why use MRS?

14  The next several slides will explore some Multiple Response Strategies.  There are a vast array of multiple response strategies teachers can use in their classrooms.  The most popular MRS strategies are included in this presentation. Various Types of MRS

15  Requires a quick response from each student. Students are given up to a minute to formulate an answer and then a few seconds to respond in succession. Whip Around

16  Similar to the Whip-around, except students with similar answers sit down once their answer is given by another student. Modified Whip Around

17  A response card requires a student to write a brief answer to a question.  Click on the video to view different ways to use the Response Cards strategy. Response Card

18  This can be used throughout your entire lesson.  Each response is meant to be QUICK!  Can be used as a formative assessment or as a Demonstration of Learning (DOL).  Can invite individual oral response, pair share &/or Table Talk Response Card, cont.

19  Students ask their neighbor and engages in academic discussions.  Strategy used to promote purposeful and relevant conversations between two or three students. Think-Pair-Share

20  Encourages listening skills  Gives time for processing information & verbalizing learning  It must be timed and include a specific outcome  Can be written  It’s a good idea to state “When time is up, I expect you to have _____________” Think-Pair-Share, cont.

21  Response strategy for a small group (3-5 students) that focuses student discussions. Table Talk

22  Response strategy used to encourage all students to process information, formulate their responses, and provide a quick response when called upon. Quick Response

23  Response strategy that supports multiple learning modalities (visual, kinesthetic, auditory) while teacher provides immediate feedback during a check for understanding. White Boards

24  High energy, fun, response strategy, requiring students to respond in unison. Oral/Choral Response

25  Call on students equally yet randomly.  Keep in mind to:  Be unpredictable  Be reasonable  Ask the question first  Be sensitive  Click on the video to view the Cold Call strategy in action. Cold Call

26  Divide students into groups of four and give each one a number from 1 to 4.  Pose a question or a problem to the class.  Have students gather to think about and understand the question.  Ask the question and call out a number randomly.  Students with the number raise their hands, when called on, and answers for his team/group.  Click on the video to view the Numbered Heads strategy. Numbered Heads Together

27  Two students stand up to answer the question, the student who gets the correct answer first, remains standing and selects a new challenger. Head to Head

28  Watch the video and list the multiple response strategies used in the classroom. Demonstration of Learning  List at least two MRS strategies you will incorporate in your upcoming lessons.

29  As educators, we want our students to make connections with the skills they are learning as it relates to the real world in which they live.  As you are planning your lessons, think about what activities will encourage your students to be motivated, attentive, and happy to be with you learning skills they will need to use in every day life.  Relevant and meaningful MRS will yield high student academic achievements. Reflection

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