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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE FOR RABI CAMPAIGN 2008 GOVERNMENT OF GOA."— Presentation transcript:



3 1.Goa lies between 14 - 16 o North latitude and 73-75 o East longitude on the West Coast of India. 2.Climate is warm and humid tropical with cool and pleasant weather in winter months. 3.Average annual rainfall is 3000 mm. The total rainfall received during the year 2007 was 3592 mm. 4.The highest and lowest temperatures are 35 o C and 15 o C. 5.Relative humidity varies from 95% to 51%. …contd..2..

4 :2: 6.The terrain is undulating with diverse soil conditions. 7.Agriculture is pursued by about 16% of the population. 8.The geographical area of the State is 3,70,200 Ha. 9.Total cropped area is about 1,72,108 Ha. Having 37.95% area under food grain crops and balance 62.05% under commercial/horticultural crops including vegetables. 10.Net sown area is 1,37,039 Ha.

5 KHARIF 2008 ASSESSMENT AND RABI PROSPECTS  After deficit rainfall till August end, good rains have been received in September 2008.  Rainfall received is now normal.  Good recharge of ground water.  Residual soil moisture would help pulses and groundnut prospects in Rabi.  Horticultural crops expected to get regular irrigation.

6 T A B L E – I Crop wise Area And Production during KHARIF 2008-09

7 T A B L E – II Crop wise Area And Production during Rabi 2007-08


9 RASHTRIYA KRISHI VIKAS YOJANA An allocation of Rs.2.09 crores was made to the State of Goa. State Level Sanctioning Committee sanctioned implementation of RKVY with an outlay of Rs.2.0654 crores.

10 RASHTRIYA KRISHI VIKAS YOJANA The programmes sanctioned are:


12 RASHTRIYA KRISHI VIKAS YOJANA  Rs.150.00 lakhs have been released by Government of India.  Rs.20.00 lakhs have been released for preparation of C-DAP  Action is being taken to formulate District Plan as C-DAP Manual.  The implementation of the programme as approved by S.L.S.C. has already started.

13 EXTENSION  The extension activities are catered by the 10 Zonal Agricultural Offices located in each Taluka. The Zonal Agricultural Offices take care of the motivation process, training and demonstration to the farmers upto village level.  Various training activities are conducted. Under the State Extension Work Plan for 2007-08 of Centrally Sponsored Scheme “Support to State Extension Programme for Extension Reforms” and State Extension Programmes. …contd..2..

14 EXTENSION  Inter phase meetings are being conducted by Agriculture Department with ICAR, Goa Complex, KVK’s North and South, line departments like Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services, Fisheries etc. The scientific research programme conducted by ICAR Complex is discussed with the extension workers of the various departments. Need based research is carried out by ICAR at farmers fields.  SAMETI is fully upgraded and conducting all trainings. …contd..3..

15 EXTENSION  A new scheme for training of school drops, unemployed rural youth having marginal land or family land or belonging to the family of agricultural labourer will be provided two months training to develop their skills. 200 youths would be trained at Government farms.

16 EXTENSION SUPPORT TO STATE EXTENSION PROGRAMME FOR EXTENSION REFORMS  State Extension Work Plan for the year 2007-08 was approved for Rs.41.99 lakhs.  Only Rs.0.51 lakh were spent during 2007-08.  State has decided to implement balance activities approved in SEWP during 2008-09 with balance financial assistance of Rs.41.48 lakhs.  State has a balance of Rs.11.59 lakhs and needs additional release of Rs.30.40 lakhs.

17  Strategic Research and Extension Work Plan (SREP) has been submitted to MANAGE – Hyderabad for vetting.

18 SEED Seed Availability and Distribution  Under the programme, 352 tons of paddy seed, 2 tons of Pulses and 20 tons of groundnut seed was distributed for the year 2007-08.  282 tonnes of certified paddy seed/TL seed has been made available to the farmers during Kharif 2008. Seed is sold to the farmers through designated Cooperative Societies with 50% subsidy at source involving PPP. …contd..2..

19 SEED Seed distribution during Rabi 2007-08 and target for Rabi 2008-09 is as follows : Rabi 2007-08 Rabi 2008-09  Paddy 88 tonnes 100 tonnes  Groundnut 16 tonnes 16 tonnes …contd..3..

20 SEED The necessary arrangement is being done to procure the required certified seed from NSC, KSSC, MSSCL and other Research Centres and from the progressive farmers for the season and the same will be made available to farmers in time. Hybrid rice will be procured from Research Institutions like U.A.S Bangalore and Maharashtra State Seed Corporation. 1.40 tonnes of paddy hybrid seed was utilized during Kharif 2008 and 1.50 tonnes will be distributed during Rabi 2008-09. …contd..4..

21 SEED b) Treatment: It is proposed to treat 680 tonnes of paddy seed, 70 tonnes of Pulse seed and 200 tonnes of groundnut seed. This shall include own seed of the farmers besides the new seed sold to farmers. The programme would involve 150 village/ward level meetings to create awareness and 150 field method demonstrations on seed treatment. …contd..5..

22 SEED c) Testing: It is targeted to analyse 500 seed samples during Rabi 2008-09

23 National Horticulture Mission (NHM) The National Horticulture Mission (NHM) was launched in the State during 2005-06. The NHM was launched basically to give thrust on quality planting material, rejuvenation of existing cashew plantation from seedling to grafts, support to organic farming and Human Resource Development for exploring the new crops, technologies and bring the State farmers in the main stream of the country by providing adequate support for exploring the market surplus in the non traditional Mandies, rural markets.

24 During last 3 years, following programmes have been achieved as on 31 st August 2008. …contd..2..


26 Releases of Funds for NHM

27 Annual Action Plan for 2008-09

28 Summary of Annual Action Plan for 2008-09 CENTRAL SHARE  Rs. 274.60 Lakhs STATE SHARE  Rs. 48.46 Lakhs TOTAL  Rs. 323.06 Lakhs

29 The daily wholesale and retail prices are collected from following market yards: 1. Panaji2 Margao 3. Mapusa 4 Ponda 5. Curchorem6 Sanquelim Besides this, daily retail prices are also collected from the market of Vasco-da-Gama, Valpoi, Bicholim, Canacona, Pernem, Banastarim and Quepem in the State. Marketing …contd..2..

30 Marketing These prices are collected by the Grader/Assessors posted at various market centres. From each market, price is collected from 4 shops. The time of price collection is between 10.00 A.M. to 12.00 noon. Weekly report on retail prices of essential commodities are prepared alongwith a critical review of availability, shortages and sent to Economics and Statistical Adviser to Government of India, New Delhi through National Informatics Centre, Panaji by Registrar of Cooperative Societies. …contd..3..

31 Marketing In addition the Goa State Horticultural Corporation is also involved in Marketing of vegetables and fruits in the State through four of their own outlets and through 60 outlets operated by the NGO’s that have availed the assistance under creation of Infrastructure for cultivation of vegetables and flowers scheme of the State Government.

32 FERTILIZER (i) SCHEME OF CONCESSIONAL SALE OF DECONTROLLED PHOSPHATICS & POTASSIC FERTILIZER TO THE FARMER. The highlights on the achievements made under the above scheme during 2007-08 upto March 2008 are: …contd.2..

33 The distribution of fertilizer in terms of NPK (MT) during 2007-08 upto March 2008 : N-3472 tonnes P-1837 tonnes K-1820 tonnes FERTILIZER …contd…3..

34 During Rabi 2008, it is targeted to enhance sale of fertilizers to following quantities: FERTILIZER …contd.3..

35 FERTILIZER QUALITY CONTROL Samples drawn by fertilizer Inspector are sent for analysis to Central Fertilizer Quality Control Laboratory, Navi Mumbai. During the year 2007-08, 45 samples were sent for analysis. FERTILIZER …contd.4.. In terms of NPK (MT) for Rabi 2008 N-1674 P-1323 K-945 Actual Distribution of fertilizers during Rabi 2007 N-1171 P-881 K-745

36 QUALITY CONTROL OF MICRONUTRIENT FERTILIZERS The Goa State has only one Micronutrient Fertilizer manufacturing unit, which is marketing its product outside the State. Zinc, Magnesium and Boron have been identified as deficient in Goan soils and have been recommended to be used in straight micronutrient fertilizer form. a) Use of Organic Manure is being promoted through supply of compost to farmers towards soil health improvement. b) Preparation of on farm compost/vermicompost is encouraged through incentives given for infrastructure set up for compost units.

37 CONSTRAINS IN AGRICULTURE  Small and fragmented land holdings.  High cost and non availability of labour.  Poor returns in terms of other commodities  Low irrigated area.  Youth shying away from agriculture.  Absentee landlords.

38 Best practices adopted by the State 1) In order to increase the replacement rate of seed like paddy, groundnut, pulses and vegetables, the State Government provides the seed with 50% assistance at source through the network of Cooperative Societies (PPP Mode). 2 The creation of infrastructure for irrigation is boosted by providing additional assistance to bring the total subsidy to atleast 50% for construction of new wells, establishing sprinklers, drip irrigation and pumpsets. …contd.2..

39 Best practices adopted by the State 4) Fencing either community/individual with assistance of 50% for protection against stray/wild animals, including for solar power fencing. 5) Additional incentives of 17 to 25% for cultivation of non traditional crops like flowers in covered cultivation. 6) Unique scheme for cultivation of high value flowers in 100 sq. mts area to boost floriculture trade as household enterprise under State Sector. …contd..3..

40 Best practices adopted by the State 7) Provide support price for a) Paddy  Rs.5/- per kg b) Sugarcane  Rs.200/- per tonne c) Oil palm  Re.1.00 to Rs.2.00 as productivity linked incentive 8) Provide assured price to a) Arecanut  Rs.100/- per kg b) Coconut  Rs.4/- per nut …contd..4..

41 Best practices adopted by the State 9)Desilting and renovation of traditional ponds/tanks through local Self Help Groups (SHG)/Non Government Organizations (NGOs) and individuals. 10) Interest on agricultural loans is proposed to be subsidized. 11) Additional State support for banana cultivation @ Rs.15,000/per ha. 12)Stress is laid on organic farming under NHM specially in cashew cultivation.



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